Your success without them is the best revenge
Creative Revenge
by Roberta804 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
Perhaps rising in the rakes of the IRS and repealing the tax exempt status? (along with Scientology)
The best revenge I have is no longer being the flunky that always cleaned the bathrooms, paying special attention to seldom cleaned areas such as the tops of the stall dividers, and the walls around the urinals. I wonder what poor slob is doing it now?
finally awake
I would kind of enjoy sneaking over to the hall sometime when no one else is there and hiding a little Sparlock figurine in the potted plant up on the platform. It would be even more fun if I could leave a hidden camera to record when it was finally discovered.
you guys are making me laugh! Roberta -- you are a wizard
Ha! A remote controlled Sparlock that could walk down the aisle would wake everyone up!
Is anyone making Sparlock figurines? I'd order one!
I just bumped an old thread where someone looked to have a genuine Sparlock. I would take a dozen if they were available.
At one CA something clicked, and we decided to take the money we were going to put in the contribution box and instead give it to a "sister" and friend who was doing it tough and whose plight was being ignored as usual, while she was also being ostracised by the Pharisees.
Boy it felt good, and really lifted her spirits at a time of desperate need.
Filling out a bunch of porn subscriptions to a KH address would be ungodly....but hilarious.