long time lurker (3-4 years) first time poster

by Patient-dude 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    Welcome and Hello. While I totally disagree with your reasons to become an elder, it is your life.

    I will say that if you really want to help others, you can easily tell them why you don't want to be an elder and still help them.

    But it is your life.

    Please keep us informed as to how it goes and feel free to ask questions.

  • nugget

    Welcome. I would say if you plan to fade then taking on any position of oversight will make this harder. Even if you are well intentioned you will have very little influence in a body of elders. I would suggest that you are better focusing on your family and yourself initially and get out with minimal emotional pain and trauma.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
  • flipper

    PATIENT-DUDE- Welcome to the board. You have a noble cause and motive to assist some to exit the JW cult. So whatever we can do to assist you in your efforts I for one am happy to assist you . I commend your efforts. Different people exit and get out in different ways. Ive known some lurking elders here who posted here for years before they finally stopped being elders. If you can do it, good, just be careful and don't blow your cover on your undercover efforts. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • wasblind

    Welcome Patient-Dude did you know it's the 50th anniversary of James Bond ?

  • tiki

    patient-dude - barking up the wrong tree. you need fixing before you can do it for anyone else.

  • problemaddict


    So just a couple questions if you feel like it. Why is fading not even a possibility? If you help others develope thinking skills, who do you think is getting the credit for that? Lastly, when these people "wake-up" what do they do? Do they remain like you? What if they do not have the same patience?

    See where I am going? No judgement here bro. Like I said, its on you. But patience may not be the right word.

  • Bob_NC

    Umm well, umm, I was an elder for a long time, and I was an awake elder for over a year. I had full intentions of bringing out my closest friends. But once they got a smell of I was not a true believer any more, I was on the outs. I was pitied and worried over like some lost soul. I could not help anyone.

    Bob in NC

  • stillin

    What bobnc said.

    you will find it a thankless business, what you are attempting. Life is too short for playing games where you can only be a loser

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Hi and welcome!

    Your reasons are your own bro, and for my part, I'm acting as sort of a mole myself. Not that I can have much influence as a sister, and the reason I'm moling is 1. because my husband is in, and 2. I like the weekly chin-wag.

    But as you fade, if that's what you decide to do, people in your cong will start to overlook you and you won't get invited by others out on field service and that. Social gatherings too maybe. I find the people in my hall are so used to me in my seat I'm like part of the furniture really.

    One thing I can recommend: develop a chronic condition. You're not a true JW unless you have a chronic condition or food intolerances! Gives you a good 'out'. Not that I'd recommend chronic fatigue syndrome normally: I can't hold down work at the moment because of it.

    Love and peace

    Julia Orwell (named after George!)

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