First [brief] conversation w/elder for years
by AK - Jeff 23 Replies latest jw friends
few active Witnesses know the meaning of real friendship
They live in fear of being seen associating with someone who is DFd, as it can result in their own DFing. They are powerless unless they are prepared to pay the price.
I was always mad when the witnesses would ask me those questions. I hate when I get a text and they just ask questions like "How's the family? Hows everything going for you?" and then they ask what my beliefs are. I just told them that if all they want to know if I'm coming back, I'll just answer but don't hide behind a fascade and pretend to care when you don't.
Quendi said " since I was disfellowshipped and that time has convinced me that few active Witnesses know the meaning of real friendship."
Witnesses don't have "real friends" they have "friendships based on our mutaul love of Jehovah and appreciation for his organization..." They don't have real friends so they have no idea how to be a real friend.