None of us would disagree that Western Society has been largely influenced in its common values by the use of the Holy Bible. Laws, virtues and discipline as well as social policies and attitudes stem from centuries of "bible-based" instruction from youth up into old age. Men, for example, have been appointed by God to be the "head" of women. Women are to be "subject" to this headship. ....... Children are to be beaten by the rod of discipline. In fact, the parent said to be "hating" their child is the one who does not use the rod on them. Slaves are to be obedient to their "Masters" and the superiorty of one sort of man over another is rigidly enforced. And then, there is an ELITE who are the dispensers of Holy benefit direct from heaven. These special "agents" of God take the form of Prophets, Priests, evangelists, miracle workers and leaders. .... In other words, Jehovah has one standard for one group and another standard for another group. Among the Jews the outside world of goyim or Gentiles were regarded as unclean. The rituals of religious observance separated Israel from surrounding nations and made it very easy to identify which was which and who was whom. All the above settles down in to one general attitude or p.o.v.: US and THEM. ..... We have inside the Watchtower Society a mirror image of the DOUBLE STANDARD strictly taught and enforced. The leaders are an Elite group of a few favorites of Jehovah. I say "favorites" because He favors them by "anointing". Anoited for what purpose? Why, to be RULERS over mankind and Priests!! So, even among the Kings and Priests already there is another layer of inferior and superior: FDS vs lesser anointed!! ... Even among the so-called anointed there is another elite which divides them into superior and inferior roles. The Governing Body of anointed are supremely privileged to explain, teach and rule over the lesser anointed fellow remnant. The "other sheep" and the lesser anointed are clueless grunts (if you can imagine a grunting sheep) who simply do as they are told. When the elite GB dictate a teaching it is not openly discussed among all the congregations FIRST. It is not debated. New teachings are to be viewed as True regardless of the conscience, intellect or opinion of any other member. ..... This emphasizes the double standard in play. All these double standards are an odd and troublesome blight on humanity as is proven by the trickle down effect in society itself. Men dominate women and children. God has approved. Slave masters dominate the humans whom they own. God has approved. Prophets and Priests operate outside the other members of society by directing the only approved practice of pure religious ritual. Governing Body elite issue and dispense all Truth, policy, discipline and guidance. Elders officiate as watchdogs, counselors, judges, juries and policemen. ..... What is the result of Jehovah and His layers of Double Standards? Think about it... If you are born a female or if you are not a favored anointed you are the bottom of the social ladder. You get told what to do and when to do it and how it must be done. Even your own conscience doesn't count. YOU SUCK! You must shut up and listen. ... You don't really get an opinion or an argument contrary to the elite above you. Now--after having said all the above, I ask the following question. HOW LONG WILL HUMAN RIGHTS BE VIOLATED by the silly notion that Almighty God is a double-dealing, elitist, chauvanist pig who plays favorites??? .... Why would anybody accept inferior status to be bossed around, used, manipulated and dominated AS THOUGH an invisible guy in the sky simply WANTS IT THAT WAY? We are living in 2013 and not the 12th century A.D. We have human rights, women's rights, civil rights and equal opportunity. If society can pull itself up from Medieval standards why can't Jehovah's Witnesses? Your thoughts, please...
Jehovah and the DOUBLE standard
by Terry 10 Replies latest jw friends
The human need for a father's pat on the head and saying 'you are my favorite child' runs deep. Some never out-grow it.
The role of women in the Watchtower religion would be unbearable for most men living today.
A large number of men inside the Kingdom Halls are clueless brats.
How can these subjugated women withstand the air-headed pomposity of these goof offs running the show?
Their husbands get away an incredible array of behaviors while the females are rigorously scrutinized for the smallest of mis-steps.
Toe-rings are to sexy, remember that, oh and wear hosery out in Service-a bare leg drives the natives wild!
The Eldership 'club' is one of the last bastions of maleness left, where else can you act out your inner Caveman.
The man who does not provide for the members of his household is worse than an infidel.
But, the working Jw man is not only a wage slave. He is a slave to the elder's opinion of how well he
goes door to door, exercises headship over his wife and children and bears the load heaped upon him by the Watchtower.
The Elder must oversee the flock while being a husband and father and wage earner. But, he is a slave to the GB elite who appoint or divest him of his little fifedom of control. One slip and goodbye privileges. The stricter he is the more likely he'll hold on.
The anointed rank and file member is "special" and "favored" by being selected for Heaven but--not being a FDS-- they are strangely positioned as clueless about New Light until they read in the Watchtower like everybody else. Chosen and yet on the outside, privileged and yet standing in line with the commonfolk whom they will eventually judge and rule over. How awkward for them.
Wives and other women inside the Kingdom Hall must run their household with brilliant efficiency. The number of people telling them what to do and how well they are doing it is a tough row to hoe. The husband, the elders, the GB are, in effect, constantly judging and appraising every move they make and every word they speak. The only power a woman has is the power of vacuuming and cleaning toilets to a high gleam.
Children, especially young girls, are about as powerful as the gum stuck to the bottom of a shoe.
Everybody gets to order you around if you are a kid; others discipline you, select your activities and entertainment, friends, reading materials and free time.
WHY? Because the Bible says so or because a few millennia of men "saying so" was written down and shoved down gullible people's throats as divine?
.....OF THE WATCHTOWER WORLD........the slave of slaves.
Your Wt. career choices as a woman are- pionneering, special pioneering, and if you are good at math you balance the books at the KH every month. Are there amy sisters who are mangament level at Bethel Headquarters, Manager of Housekeeping perhaps or is that a guys only thing.
If it weren't for the strength of women the Watchtower Society could not function.
The men take credit, but, the women are the engines that drive the pistons.
There is simply no role for children and young teens and this will be the death of this religion
OLD WHITE MEN are what it is all about.
Psst.....Old White Men are an endangered species.......
In 1974 I moved from Fort Worth, Texas to Los Angeles. Fort Worth at that time had a population of 356,268 people.
L.A. is larger than most countries on planet Earth!
How could I cope or adapt?
Every day I would drive to a particular area and park my car. Then, I'd walk. Up and down the streets I explored on foot.
By the end of the year I would say I intimately knew the layout of a large portion of L.A.
I made it my own.
What if I'd just stuck to the neighborhood where I lived? What if I studied a map alone?
What if I'd taken other people's descriptions and opinions as a close enough description?
But, I didn't.
I got the feel of it by "trying it on" for myself.
I discovered that I loved the South Bay area. I moved my family into Redondo Beach which was close enough to the ocean without being
prohibitively expensive. The ten years I spent there were the happiest of my life location-wise.
I've met many Texans who moved to California and who moved right back and declared "I hated it!"
When I asked them follow up questions it became clear to me they had only tried on place that didn't fit them.
They assumed the whole was the same as the part they were in. As they say in the world of programming: Garbage In=Garbage Out.
Jehovah's Witnesses are cut off from personal experiences with their fellow man by isoldating themselves. They are cut off from culture and
society. They are cut off from a variety of people with a variety of ideas, aspirations and viewpoints.
JW's dismiss everything outside of the narrow slice of Kingdom Hall associaton as Worldly and Evil.
And in so doing they assume a lie about mankind and about the world at large.
JW's acquire the double-standard of phony Truth based on narrow-minded insularity.
If they hang in and hang on long enough their attitude toward life in general sours. Depression is not uncommon.
Cynical thinking and a longing for "the end" become a poisonous atmosphere surrounding everyone and everything.
Life can be as full or as empty as we are willing to make it because we create our own opportunities.
We can drive to a new world and explore on foot and discover the details and where the greatest beauty and excitement are hidden.
Or, we can fold our arms in front of us and sneer at how rotten the whole thing is.
Why accept a tiny dark dungeon of belief? What absorb a double standard?
It is slow-motion suicide.