COMATOSE- Interesting theory. You may be on to something here. It probably involves a consolidation of the current GB's power and control over rank & file Witnesses- but, yes I can see them using a similar tactic you mention in denying Russell or Rutherford were really not the " slave " and that the " light has gotten brighter and brighter until the daystar rises " you know- all that crap- then state that the current GB consitute the " faithful slave " in Jehovah's " progressive " organization. And JW's will lap it up like kittens lap up cream. Ridiculous
Wild Theory on FDS New Light and Why the New Light
by Comatose 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The FDS is supposedly any truly ( they want to make that clear) anointed at World headquarters involved in dispensing spiritual food to the domestics. So they could argue that back then it was Rutherford and friends who were the FDS because everyone in 1919 was supposedly going to heaven. Today they would argue that the FDS includes the GB and other truly anointed at World Headquarters.
The importants factors are
1) Truly anointed after 1919 meaning whoever they say is anointed. This would not be anyone emotionally or mentally off. So basically it comes back to whoever the GB approves, which conveniently is only those who are company men. Mark Sanderson for example. If he disagreed with anything that the good ol' boys said then he would be just another domestic under mental and emotional strain, and in need of Jehovah's forgiveness.
2) You must be at World Headquarters, and involved in despensing spiritual food. If not, then you are a domestic, even if you partake.
The rank & file get the message. Only those truly anointed at World Headquarters, involved with dispensing spiritual food are the FDS. So Brother Humble Mcbible Reader at the KH who disagrees with any current light must be an apostate, especially if he partakes. Sister Longtime Partaker is a domestic, and not an FDS. Confusingly enough, she is a domestic for which Christ is mediator, as opposed to the rank & file who are domestics with no mediator.
The GB are still trying to see how far the R&F can be pushed,
without a whimper! I think they have their answer!
So hold on to your horses for the next onslaught of newlite!
This is the response I got from an elder on this latest!_____>
thereby acknowledge the wacko stuff and stress it is what is taught NOW that matters, origins are just a start and not important.
This religion is crumbling away slowly piece by piece, its long list doctrines themselves have proved to be wrong/false.
The inter-net is exposing all of this religion's false teachings, which makes matters worse.
Because of this apparent situation the GB are obviously trying to reconfirm their power and control and uphold
their image of god's chosen organization. Time will tell how well they succeed.
The new G/ basturds are just getting caught for the old G/basturds stupidity. But I think the new G/basturds are more stupid... Internet = WTS exposed.
better thought-out spiritual food with more depth is now available for the faithful. . The GB wants to head (for the heard) that development off at the pass, by defining (with punishment of death for dissenters) very narrowly the only sanctioned communal kitchen. :
No study, no analysing, no humor, no discussion, no spiritual advancement for the "sheep". but
it can not be done without protection Eccl. 7:12 "---Money is for a protection---" there is where the emphasis is. not on truth, not doctrine.
yadda yadda 2
How on earth could C T Russell not be a faithful and discreet slave per Matt 24:45-47? He started the whole thing, he started the Watchtower magazine and WBTS and opened the headquarters in Pennsylvannia etc. He taught all the same 'truths' that were taught in 1919.
Its palpably ridiculous, absurb to say there was no 'faithful and discreet slave' before 1919. They have sawn off the very doctrinal and eschatological branch they are sitting on.