The directions on JW.ORG say:
Download this connect-the-dots coloring page, and learn about Lot and his family.
"Let's learn about Lot, shall we children?
The Bible tells us Lot lived in Sodom and Gomorrah; he must have been living cheap, because the Bible says this was a real **itpile of a city.
But fortunately for Lot, God sent angels to clean up the place to flip it for resale.
Lot was a resourceful man, for when his neighbors wanted to rape the angels God sent, he said, hey, no way, Here take my daughters instead.
Later we learn that the girls might have been mifffed over this offer of Dad's; the bible tells us they slipped Dad a ruffie and raped him! LOL! Those crazy kids!
And we learn how mean God can really be, too, kids: God told Lot's wife not to turn her head but......she did anyway, and God turned her into the early version of the Morton girl, know what I mean, except NO UMBRELLA.
So maybe we learn not to piss off God, he can be a real dick. And maybe that kids grow up and might remember that really bad decision you made.
MOSTLY we learn how resourceful editors can really be; Lot leaves his wife behind, pretty tacky, and lo and behold, turns out God zapped her to salt.
AND when Lot is lonely and rapes his daughters, we learn that HEY it was really the other way round, they just wanted some kids by dear old dad.
So remember kids; when you have really crazy stories you want to clean up, GET A GOOD EDITOR.
(and don't hire the WT idiots, they brought you this creepy coloring page)