but I might consider this one:
I never wanted a tattoo before . . .
by Hortensia 12 Replies latest jw friends
I dont know... I'm reminded of those Chinese character tats that the sorority girls thought meant, like, "courage," or, "hope," or whatever. Usually, they just meant, "slut."
On the other hand, I don't know the amino acid code for "slut," maybe somebody here speaks amino.
That is really cool Hortensia.
google images - "tattoo phylogenetic tree" for some more cool science tats.
thanks for the google suggestion, cofty. Cool tattoos!
I agree with Sulla, all these guys with the Chinese script tattoos that supposedly say warrior or courage, probably says "small penis" or weiner gobbler" or something.
eva luna
I really like it Hortensia.
It's very unique.
Have fun with it. You only live once.
My next venture will be 3 Runes
I might have to steal that one, if I ever get around to getting any tattos. I want a couple but I've been putting it off.
Very very cool.
i was always the type to shun tattoo wearers (pre awakening) BUT i got one less than a year ago....and im HOOKED! GET YOUR TAT ON! If this wasn't a public post I would show mine off!!! I think it KICKS ASS!
I got my first tat after the age of 40, in fact got it with my daughter......she was old enough to make that decision. I am a woman btw, anyway, Love body art. Since my first one I wanted more, but am to old to consider it now! Maybe tho, who knows! Even my dfed sister was shocked, and deep down that was a great feeling! Rebellion! lol