Hmmm.... How many of you, in the process of waking up, got really angry with websites like etc.. etc... Even calling them slanders etc? I think all of you are doing a great job, keep it on guys!
BF vented on "apostate" websites
by FingersCrossed 12 Replies latest jw friends
Lied2NoMore takes a while to call WT a CULT with confidence......I'm living proof......
it takes a while to call WT a CULT
took awhile for me to use that "c" word also.
eva luna
Greetings FingerCrossed,
I didnt, I cried.
I read on Kent's old board; the letters to Hitler. I was so upset and confused.
I was inactive at the time , but I still defended the Society. I said they are just purist , when it came to scripture. I had wordly friends and I would ask them to be kind to them when they came to the door , that it was really hard for some people to do this if they were shy. Some said NO, becasue they let their children die over blood transfusion.
But growing up with the fear of 1975 and the JW suggested persecution tactics that would be like Nazi Germany and used on 'us'. Reading and being obbsessed about Anne Frank and this time period of history. Well, I just cried.
Later I got mad, but that was over the UN and the handeling of the pedos. Still get very mad about the pedos. As my daughter ended up being a victum of 3 JW adults.
I really believed "the Truth", even though I rationalized things in the beginning with the 'the organization is made-up of imperfect people' mantra. But I remember reading and reading, and then I left the JWFacts article on the WT being a cult for last, especially because I wanted to read it very carefully.
I still the remember the mixed emotions of relief, anger, frustration, etc. But, it took me a while too. Nevertheless, I remember it very clearly, when I got to the end of that article the evidence was overwhelming--I could not deny the truth anymore.
I've never looked back ever since.
Understanding this makes it so much easier for me to accept his rantings and handle the situation. Thank y'all for sharing your experiences.
I know, you're welcome :)
Aussie Oz
Not angry with any ex jw site, just dumbfounded.
for months, every day, i would be like "no way!", "can't be"
Never got angry at any ex JW sites, but i did get angry about the WT and JWs
JW Facts
How do you get around the common "stoppers"?
1. This is the best religion out there, all of the religions are messed up but we are the least of the evil.
2. I was taught honesty, integrity and a willingness to die for the Truth.
3. We have the most loyal group of loving brothers and sisters, no other religion has such a loving group of people who will stick with you!
4. The friends would give their shirts off their backs if you needed help, their love is real, unlike Christendom.
5. Jehovah Witnesses are the only religion who follow's the Bible 100 percent, no other religion is like ours.
6. No other religion get's the highest degree of quality Bible education, everyone else is stupid with the Bible.
7. Jehovah's Witnesses are the only religion who are not willing to go to war, all other religons are blood thirsty, ready to kill at a moments notice.