Bend over... You might feel a little prick...
Daily Text for February 28, 2013 !!! ENJOY !!!!!!!!
by DATA-DOG 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mr Alec Holmes Detective!
The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses.
Your point is well taken. One of my earlier posts was kind of a research question. I "recall" more than a couple atricles of the "study edition" of the Watchtower where these kind of comparrisons were being made. Basically, in each scenario, the society is making themselves analgous to Moses.
I think this is damnign when taken in the light of the scripture you just shared. Anyone have any refferences or remember the articles I am referring to?
Listen, Obey and Be Blessed!
Be a doormat. Blessed are the doormats, for the narcissists approve of them - up to a point.
Are we able to rise above our personal feelings when faced with disappointments?
Man, this shit is hilarious...maybe they should have put in a few examples like
1) 1914 not bringing the end
2) 1925 not bringing the end (ok these 2 don't matter to anyone alive today)
3) 1975 not bringing the end
4) the generation of 1914 passing away before the end
5) Growing old in this system and being dirt poor because you didn't save any money because cult leaders told said you would be in the new system
6) Growing old in this system and not fulfilling any career, because cult leaders told you that the system would be gone
7)Growing old in this system and having to work into your 70s or 80s because cult leaders misled you.
Yeah, don't be disappointed over that shit, remember, ITS YOUR FUCKING FAULT, not ours!
Well, according to the OT narrative, Moses had a few miracles to prove his credentials, quite a few in fact!
What evidence do the leaders of the WTBTS have to prove that they truly are "appointed to take the lead"?
<<< ... crickets ... >>>
wha happened?
Korah to wait on Jehovah for a clearer understanding or for adjustments if those were really needed.
Wow so not only are u not entitled to air your grivience, you aren't even allowed to think them. Apparently if a change or adjustment needs to occur, then they will tell you about it. So don't even think about it
Q What's the difference beteen Jehovah and the Governing Body?
A Jehovah knows he's not the governing body.
Eh, people get disappointed. I wanted the Falcons to beat the 49ers -- didn't work out. Doesn't mean football is wrong. Other people wanted to have a meaningful career but settled for work that doesn't suit them because the JWs said this system wouldn't be around for long. Same thing, really.
When you're a dub you can really cutivate humility and submission, and you should never question anything from the WT$ at all. In fact as a dub you can be all that you can be....LOL.