Best of luck! I'm in that position too. I know I could easily perform well at any number of jobs, but nowadays you need a degree to mop the floor at McDonald's.
40 years on - and still in Damage Control mode!
by Bungi Bill 57 Replies latest jw experiences
Wish you the best of luck. You are so right about continuing schooling after high school. It is definitely hard to go back to school after one has been away from it so long.
Here goes anyway! Does anybody want to wish me luck?
Yes! Best wishes, and toasting your future success!
In this part of the world, the pre-1975 hype was taken to that level. Not being content to prevent young persons attending university, they went
one step further and treated with hostility any youngster who would "tie up five years of their lives" by entering into an apprenticeship.
This is a good example of why the end times dates pushed by the GB are NOT just "failed expectations."
Many young JWs were pressured into giving up career opportunities because Armageddon and the new system were "so close."
Despite its repeated prophetic failures, the GB still promotes this mindset.
Good luck and best wishes for the future
Bungi Bill
Thanking everyone for their messages of support.
My application is now with the Competency Assessment Committee of the Institute of Engineers. They typically take 5 - 6 weeks to complete their review. If the verdict is favorable, you are then able to apply for membership.
It is a rather drawn out process - but if successful, more than worth it!
I will let everyone know how it all turns out.
Ding - you are very correct in your observation that the WTS / GB bible chronology craziness goes much further than mere " failed expectations." The hardships that this has inflicted on the lives of those that took heed of that "food at the proper time" would almost fill a book - and one that didn't make for very pleasant reading!
I'm coming to this rather late in the conversation, but I also wish you the best of luck and I agree with you about education.
zed is dead
Good Luck! You can do this!
never a jw
Best Wishes for you Bill and damn those anti higher education idiots at the WT
Bungi Bill
This is an update on how it has all progressed to so far.
In fact, the Institute of Engineers was short and to the point, virtually telling me in just so many words to "come back and see us when you have an Advanced Diploma."
So .................. I decided there and then to do just that! The Advanced Diploma course that I have enrolled on begins this coming Monday, and is carried out on-line, in what is often described as a "Virtual Classroom" situation. It is geared specifically for persons like me, who are working full time, who already have extensive industry experience, but need to obtain some formal academic qualification. (Recognition is granted for prior learning, thus reducing the course duration to 18 months - albeit though a very intense 18 months).
I have no doubt that this is going to present a challenge!
- working, as I do, an average of eleven hours per day.
- and it being over 30 years since I have done any serious academic studies (i.e. the Certificate of Engineering course, back in 1982).
However, I am still looking forward to the next year-and-a-half.
(There is, too, the "Hobson's Choice" factor to it - i.e. if I don't gain higher formal qualifications than I already have, then I possibly won't be able to retain the job I currently have).
Wish me luck, please!