From laundry mat to laundry mat
by donny 19 Replies latest jw experiences
About three years ago, I was walking past a local laundry mat and I noticed some of the Society’ s publications laying on the chairs by the window. So I walked inside and found an Awake from 1995 and a Watchtower from 1989. The latter one was funny to me because I was still in the organization when it was released.
I remember JW's who were very superstitious about disposing of accumulated liturature.
Littering a laundry or similar dumping spot made them feel like they were "witnessing".
glander, I know of quite a few witnesses who will not under any circumstance trash old mags!!!!
They also are reserved at leaving the current mags for free, so leave accumulated mags in the laundromats
I used to throw my extras away after they were 6 months old. Never felt like it was a bad thing. Maybe I was just callous.
cobalt with that attitude, no wonder you are here
Laundromat witnessing was always my favorite! I never had to talk to anyione and it looked good on my time sheet.
When I left, I still had the hang up about not throwing away the books, so I boxed them up in a coat closet.
Unfortunately, my apartment building's drain backed up. Wouldn't you know it, the only things ruined were those boxes! All that crap was literally covered in crap! Not only did I get rid of it once and for all, but the landlord's insurance paid me a replacement fee of $150.00 and I got all new carpet in my hall and living room! Score!
lol what did you use to plug the WC?
wha happened?
yea it was easy placements and time doing these laundramats. I still have a pile of mags going back to the late 80's. I need to go through and pull certain ones and trash the rest when wifey isn't home
"This good news of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the Nations...and then the end of the rinse cycle will come...time is short...better grab a dryer.."
I recall making an entire morning out of driving to laundrymats and leaving magazines. boy was I making Jehovah proud!
I also agree with Glander. The superstition about how to dispose of the literature is amazing! We were cleaning out once and I started to throw old magazines wife nearly had a heart attack. She said "I can't believe you would throw letters from Jehovah in the trash!" So I said....ok.....we'll put them in the fire pit. She nearly passed out. "You can't BURN the magazines!!!!!!!" Then what the hell am I supposed to do with them?