My Bible Highlights Comment last night

by BU2B 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • BU2B

    Last night I gave a comment at the Bible Highlights, I never comment anymore unless I can say something that might plant a small seed in someones mind.. Anyways The Bible reading was Mark 5-8. My comment was, "I appreciated Mark 7:6-8 where it reads He said to them: Isiah aptly prophesied about you hypocrites for it is written, this people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far removed from me. It is in vain they keep worshiping me, because they teach as doctrines, commands of men. Letting go the command of God, you hold fast the traditions of men. Then I said, "we see here how we need to avoid the example of the pharisees and stick with the scriptures, we should never go beyond what is written, and we need to always avoid following the traditions of men, but instead stick to what is writtten in the scriptures."

    That comment felt good, dont know if it made any impact and it may just be a small thing, but I felt good defending Christian Freedom even if just in a small way

  • pixel

    Good comment, hopefully, somebody noticed. Thanks for sharing.

  • ItsMyLife

    Great comment, well done! I'd never have the guts to do something like that.

    I think anyone who is already mentally looking for an exit would pick up on the subtext of your comment.

    Unfortunately, the majority of JWs truly believe that they DO stick to what is written in the scriptures, they honestly can't see that anything they're taught might be 'beyond the things written'. It's a sad state of affairs.

    Keep up the good work, brave one :-)

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    BU2B>>>Great comment! lol

    Just Lois

  • soft+gentle

    nice one BU2B

    I heard that in one congregation the CO was giving a talk and he was saying how important it is to keep up with taking in accurate knowlege. Then he started talking about how satan ensnares people - he said there are 4 main ways that satan does this and then he asked the congregation if they knew what they were

    well one sister raised her hand and said "lack of education" - the brother who'd handed her the mic looked shocked but the CO was unfazed. He simply said thankyou and took other hands. Afterwards, like you, the sis said it felt good to say that expecially as the brother who was doing the microphones had already completed his education but had been penalised for doing so and was only now a couple years later being given privileges.

    edit: in hindsight though I think it's probably better to say lack of reasoning skills rather than lack of eduction

  • cobaltcupcake

    Good comment!

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    You can help your congragation in many ways .I try all the following and work a treat :

    1. I never mention the phrase "faithful and discreet slave " or pray for them
    2. All my talks and highlights have only one objective :Tell the cong to think for themselves and accept only the Bible as the only authority .I use old Watchtowers so if I get asked I'm covered
    3. I'm bombading them with flyers in their cars ,houses concerning the main problems the JW's are faced today :united nations fiasco ,baptismal vows, Christ is not your mediator etc.
    4. I run my meetup made up of ex jws and christians and ,the group is growing every month

    Need flyers in pdf format ,let me know and I'll be happy to help ...

  • blondie

    I would have added that Jesus was talking to fellow believers and that even in the first century, Paul warned of fellow Christians that veered from the scriptures (remember the bible Jesus used was not the NT).

  • raymond frantz
  • BU2B

    raymond frantz

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