Cheaper binding? Hubby already takes his study books to the local printer to be re-bound.
2013 DC new releases - rumors ???
by obarac 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name except for Jehovah's name,
10 that at the name of Jehovah every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jehovah is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father. -
I will go through the program and try to guess. They don't always name a talk the same as the title of a release, but sometimes they do.
On Friday, REJOICE WITH THE TRUTH could be a tract or brochure. (Expect new tracts to be releases.)
That's a 20 minute part before a Keynote Address: "God's Congregation, A Pillar and Support of the Truth" which could build on some item designed to give faith that the congregations (and the frigging GB) are used by Jehovah.
Friday afternoon's symposium, THE TRUTH SETS US FREE FROM.... could be the title of a release (or drop the word "From.")
Saturday morning's symposium, CLING TO WHAT IS TRUE could lead to a release.
Saturday afternoon's syposium, UTILIZE GOD's WORD AS.... could lead to something related to the NWT.I could see tackling doubts about changes with Sunday's symposium, JEHOVAH's PROMISES ALWAYS COME TRUE! A release with that name would be a great study material for propoganda to insist that everything is fine with Jehovah and His organization.
Theocratic Sedition
I think there is some legitamacy to this theory, I am the literature servant in our hall and we have been back ordered on Reference Bibles and the Black and Red Deluxe Bibles for about 8 months now. All we have are some of the crappy paper bibles and a few hardcovers. Maybe because they aren't printing them and are instead waiting for the release of this NNWT.
Interesting, I've been trying to get a new Bible from the back for a while. I have a reference bible on order and the servant has apologized to me a couple times even though I wasn't pressing him. I just need a new Bible. We don't even have any of the paper back Bibles at our congregation. He told me those were on backorder too.
T.S., go get some "other" Bible and explain that you have not been able to get yours.
We had a Kingdom Hall with 5 congregations and one person drove out to the Assembly Hall to pick up literature for all five. Then they took what they wanted, and it seemed my congregation was least liked. I ordered a red Bible with the gold edges and I got it 4 years later. I knew why.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Perhaps it will be a Simplified New World Translation.
In the 1970s, areligious organization published a common language version of the "New Testament" (i.e., "The Christian Greek Scriptures"). It did not claim to be a word-for-word translation - I think it was called "The Good News Bible" - it had nice little stick figure cartoons throughout its pages and provided a soft and gooey "take" on Scripture.
Anyway, with the JWs badly in need of a re-commitment reboot, perhaps they have done a similar common language translation that focuses on the warnings found in the Christian Greek Scriptures and, if that's the case, they'll publish it as "The Watchtower Warnings Bible" - that sort of title would at least have the virtue of accurately describing the negative messages of the organization.
A common language translation would more overtly draw attention to the fact that the brothers in Brooklyn must be obeyed. Mathew 24:45 could read:
You must follow the direction of the faithful and discreet slave class who distrubute the Truth through the Watchtower and Awake! magazines, from the kingdom hall platforms, from special one-day meetings and from conventions. This class of men are also called the Governing Body who are Jehovah God's representatives on earth in this time of the end."
Ýou cannot get plainer than that. To disobey their clear warnings would prove that you are evil-hearted and deserving of destruction by Jehovah God when the end finally arrives.
My guess: "brazen conduct" will replace "loose conduct"
man oh man
They also may be offering the new Bible in various colors.
moggy lover
What about the "Reasoning from the Scriptures", or more correctly, "[Human] Reasoning from the Scriptures" book?
That has needed revising for some time.
I heard that the Watchtower leadership sold off their state-of-the-art MAN stich binding presses which they imported from Germany. For several years now they have been using smaller staple binding presses.
Then again, I also heard that they did purchase smaller stich binding presses from Japan last year and have only recently installed them in Patterson. So expect an improvement in the current crop of cheap publications. The prime example of this is the "What Does The Bible Really teach" book.
My The "Truth that leads to Everlasting life" is still well preserved since I got it in about 1968, but my "Bible Teach" book fell apart after just a few weeks.