is this the new jw take over the sale of brooklyn properties?

by recovering 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • recovering

    • found this on a pro jw website . Is this what they are telling the witnesses
    • Kelly Wallace You realise bethel in brooklyn new york are selling up the buildings and moving. You know why- they realised come the great tribulation they are too exposed. That in itself to me is a sign Jehovah is moving quickly Wednesday at 6:07am · Like · 2
  • whathappened

    The great god and sovereign lord of the universe Jehovah can't protect them there in New York City??? Hummm, I thought he was all powerful.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    oh gosh the BS that these people swallow is just amazing

  • subytrek

    I guess that hurricane scared them and Jehovah can't protect them. Them building that multi million dollar compound while at the same proclaiming we are living in the last days and we(meaning the sheep) shouldn't get an education, a career, save for retirement, or buy a house always bothered me. Once I woke up then it made sense. They are modern Pharisees; do as we say, not as we do.

  • Gayle

    Their continued paranoia about the great trib. As if their supposed attackers wouldn't find their location & address since it is all over the internet already,,???!!!,,nobody's after them,,they are chasing their funny..ridiculous

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    What an idiot. Hasn't she heard of drones and missiles? If the government would decide to get rid of JWs, it would be easy to blast Wallkill, Patterson, and any of their other rural real estate. And the bethelites would be easy to round up and throw into prison just by blocking a few roads.

    The government wouldn't be able to do that to their NYC property. There are too many rich people around the Brooklyn properties to open fire. And from Brooklyn, bethelites could easily put on T-shirts and disappear into the subways.

    If they were really concerned about being "exposed" the GB wouldn't plaster their pictures and names all over their litteratrash. They might as well say, "start by shooting us!"

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    subytrek: the planned firesale and move was started way before the hurricane, so that's not a factor. It's a purely financial move. Bethelites in Brooklyn cost the WTBS twice as much as do their walkill and patterson counterparts. Factor in other higher costs from being in NYC and you can see why it's a smart long term strategy. Plus they can flip all those building for insane profits and make more dough. The labor for the new buildings is virtually free. It's a gigantic cost saving measure. I actually feel bad for the bethelites that like NYC. It's freakin boring in Wallkill and Patterson.

  • tiki

    the persecution complex is deeply ingrained


    1 or 2 Raptors can find Warwick, and there would be less collateral damage. Also, if YHWH can stop the sun for Gideon, then he can stop some drones be it Brooklyn or Warwick. Some JWs are just really dumb.

  • subytrek

    to Barrold Bonds - Yeah, I know. I'm starting to finally realize that most of what they do is for financial reasons. That is too bad for the NY Bethelites. I've been to NY once and even though it was a short visit it was a lot of fun. I can't wait to go back and spend more time there.

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