silentlambs speak in editorial letter

by silentlambs 24 Replies latest jw friends


    Come on you guys and dolls. How many years did we wait for Armaggedon, with the hope of a paradise earth? How many hours did we put in service? How many meetings did we attend? How much money did you give? How many sacrifices did you make for the WTBTS? HOW? HOW? HOW, can you give up so easily on Dateline? Yes, I want it to air as much as anybody, but look at the time span and what has been going on since Dateline has been in the picture. The Catholic church as well as others are being underfire and this can only add more fuel to the the fire against the 'org.'. It'll happen, don't be too impatient and don't give up.

    Now, when did they say it was gonna air again? Just kidding.

    Love being in this place!


  • Pathofthorns

    If Dateline was sufficiently convinced of this matter, then they would likely be airing it about now with all the problems in the Catholic Church. The delay is suspicious.

    I am not sure what exactly people are expecting should this program finally air. The WT has sufficiently indoctrinated it's members to discount such programs and the public couldn't care less about JWs. Anyone putting any hope to this program having any noteworthy impact is sure to be disappointed.


  • silentlambs

    Path, you err in your assessment of the article. The official WT policy that was recently stated is a person would not have sanction in their choice to go to the authorities. That is where it ends. The individual who wrote the letter stated,

    Jehovah's Witnesses hide the molestation of their youths by threatening the victims with expulsion if they try to warn and protect other members or even to report the perpetrators to police.

    The first part of the sentence remmains as a part of wt policy, if you warn others in the congregation about a molester who denies the charge and you do not have two eye witnesses then you could be disfellowshipped for slander. In addition, the Society has never stated the policy regarding authorities in writing till the latest letter to BOE. I have talked to many victims who were threatened with df if they brought reproach on Jehovah's organization by going to the police. If those elders had of called the Society they would have been informed not to take action, yet some never called and some were actually df for calling the police. Sadly the Society never saw fit to recind their DF. What was the basis for df? Loose conduct-a disregard for theocratic order, in other words if you do not do as we say we df you.

    I do agree with you in the sense now that this has become a stated part of wt policy it is doubtful anyone who is a jw will be threatened with df in the event they wish to report a molester to the police. Do you think if the silentlambs had never spoken that this letter would have ever been written? I condsider it a small victory they were forced to make this policy clear in writing. Do you think wt will send me a thank-you card?

    For others, shallow loyality is ignored as always.

  • anewperson

    Bill, do you think it would be helpful if we sent emails to Dateline urging them to get the documentary aired sooner than later? I'm guessing the Bryant murders/suicides caught their attention and they are investigating those in connection with the pedophile coverups. I'm confident they will air the documentary or it would boomerang when 60 Minutes picked up the ball that they dropped and told how they let down the victims.

  • Sunspot

    You have been posting information about this one account almost continuously over the past year.

    I think its been milked for about all it can be.


    Joel, that "information" is SO important to get "out there" in the public eye! I don't feel that this topic carries an expiration date, and SHOULD be given exposure as long as it's necessary to do so.

    LOTS of information and links were provided to ME when I was "new" on h20, and as I SAW these provable facts for myself, my life was changed forever. What was "old stuff" to many, was news to ME.

    Think of all the "new ones" just getting online, and seeing all KINDS of unfavorable things about the WTS being exposed. I don't think this could possibly be "milked for about all it can be". If even ONE new person finds interest in the article, then where's the problem?

    Bill wrote

    >>if you warn others in the congregation about a molester who denies the charge and you do not have two eye witnesses then you could be disfellowshipped for slander. In addition, the Society has never stated the policy regarding authorities in writing till the latest letter to BOE. I have talked to many victims who were threatened with df if they brought reproach on Jehovah's organization by going to the police. If those elders had of called the Society they would have been informed not to take action, yet some never called and some were actually df for calling the police. Sadly the Society never saw fit to recind their DF. What was the basis for df? Loose conduct-a disregard for theocratic order, in other words if you do not do as we say we df you.<<

    So, Bill, what's REALLY changed within the watchtower walls? From here, it looks like NOTHING has changed, except for THEIR awareness that they're under closer scrutiny more than ever before.

    That term "bringing reproach upon Jehovah's organization" makes my jaw clench as I read it. Don't you think they'd REALIZE that sweeping the rapes, sodomies and incests under a rug, and KNOWING that one day this WOULD all be discovered, that THAT would bring reproach to the Organization? What twisted thinking.

    Do they EVER give one fleeting thought to the damage they have done/ still doing to the minds, hearts and families they are riding roughshod over? Talk about stiff necks and hard hearts.

    KEEP writing, sending, publishing, shouting and informing people every way you can!

    With big hugs and a tremendous appreciation for what you're doing,


    (who's still trying to get on your mailing list--LOL!)

    Shredded families and ruined lives;
    The WBTS has MUCH to answer for......



  • anewperson

    Besides which Bill brings up a different topic too, namely that for 30 some years JW adult women and girls have had to "scream" when being raped in order to not be disfellowshipped.

    This is insane for often a female being raped is too petrified with fear to scream. And doing so can indeed get her throat cut. Where is the Watchtower's common sense?

    The Bible says that screaming would be a proof of her own inocense but not that it had to be done without weighing other factors. The Bible is flexible and mentally well-balanced. So Milton Henschel and company, why not use your own brains on this.

    Bill, I hope you blow them away on this scream-when-raped scandal too. The Watchtower organization is FULL of battered women and little girls.

  • Richie

    I am sick and tired of hearing how the Society manipulates other witnesses who want to do what is right humanely. If there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt and the elders are not swift in removing that individual from their midst (including the fact that the elders do not report it themselves to the authorities afterwards), then it is a duty to report this heinous crime to the police without question by any other witness who had become a witness to this crime.

    Richie :*)

  • plmkrzy

    writerpen........You said:

    I remember as a kid,my mother telling me that if I ever allowed a man to touch me in a sexual way, that Jehovah would view me as wicked and that it was my responsibility to keep it from happening even if it meant that I allow the man to "shoot me with a gun

    I cannot imagine being told something like thatas an adult much less as a child and by my mother no less! That is DiSUSTING With CAPS!
    I'm sure that this kind of thing does infact exist. There seems to be no end to the sick crap that goes on.

    I remember when I was in the 2nd grade we had a stalker in our neighborhood kidnapping little girls. Or attempting to.

    My mom sat me down and told me if I ever go out side to play and someone tries to grab me and I can't get away that I was to take my fingers and shove them in his eyes with all my might! And she was damn serious about it.

    I was ALWAYS!taught that NO ONE! has the right to touch me either in any way that makes me feel the least bit uncomfortable.

    I find it outrageous that all parents don't teach that to their children.

  • Sunspot

    >>My mom sat me down and told me if I ever go out side to play and someone tries to grab me and I can't get away that I was to take my fingers and shove them in his eyes with all my might!<<

    plmkrzy, What you said here reminded me of something that happened in my KH a few years ago. There had been a series on self-defense for women on the local news. One of the methods described as "quite successful" was to grab the testicles of the attacker and twist as hard as possible (sorry guys---ouch!) and then swiftly kick him in the same spot which should disable him pretty well, allowing the victim to get away.

    I hadn't heard that before and I remember thinking that it sounded like it would be effective and easy to remember in a "panic", if needed.

    The next day, a few of us were discussing that segment, and soon after it was "announced" that purposely touching the genitals of a man who was not your husband would be viewed as loose conduct, and this was NOT an option when fighting off an attacker!

    I was totally amazed at that reasoning, it's not as if it would have been done for pleasure, but a method to escape and possibly save a life or an abduction. Whatever.

    Once again, personal opinion passed off as bible principle.

    Shredded families and ruined lives;
    The WBTS has MUCH to answer for......



  • Pathofthorns
    if you warn others in the congregation about a molester who denies the charge and you do not have two eye witnesses then you could be disfellowshipped for slander.

    In some cases it *could* very well be slander for an individual to "warn" others in the congregation. If this individual cannot back up their claims with evidence, or others do not come forward with similar experiences, it is unlikely the Law can even do anything. If an alleged molester is not convicted, how reasonable is it for the congregation to discipline him (or her) and allow another member to continue to damage his/her character?

    To illustrate (and please don't take this the wrong way), if someone made the claim that "Silentlambs" touched me in an inappropriate way 10 years ago and then proceeded to *warn* people, how would you feel if you did not do this? What damage would this mistaken perception or outright lie cause to your character? I'm sure you, or I or any other innocent person would feel this is slander.

    It is no secret that people have made false accusations, and nothing damages a person's character more than an accusation of molesting someone, even if the charge is thrown out of court. Therefore *warning* individuals when there is no conviction cannot be taken lightly.

    It would appear to me that the Society's present policy is reasonable. I think they could do more to educate and inform their elders and followers about this subject and agree that past policies and attitudes fell short of what they should have been.

    Obviously, the exposure Silentlambs have given to this issue in recent months has influenced how the Society deals with this issue now, and that is very good. I wouldn't hold your breath for any thank you's from the WT, but then again, goodness is it's own reward.

    Now that the Society has put into writing that individuals are not to be discouraged from going to the police, what further changes do you expect them to make?


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