Former Jehovah's Witnesses, will Jesus destroy all JW's when he comes to the Earth?

by Change Name 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Change Name
    Change Name

    Hi there Mr. Freeze - My religion is Christianity. Jehovah's Witnesses have quoted the NWT at 1 Tim. 6:3, 4. Here it is for you to read.

    "How can we protect ourselves against false teachers? The Bible’s counsel regarding how to deal with them is clear. (ReadRomans 16:17; 2 John 9-11.) “Avoid them,” says God’s Word. Other translations render that phrase “turn away from them,” “keep away from them,” and “stay away from them!” There is nothing ambiguous about that inspired counsel. Suppose that a doctor told you to avoid contact with someone who is infected with a contagious, deadly disease. You would know what the doctor means, and you would strictly heed his warning. Well, apostates are “ mentally diseased ,” and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings. (1 Tim. 6:3, 4) Jehovah, the Great Physician, tells us to avoid contact with them. We know what he means, but are we determined to heed his warning in all respects?"

    "If any man teaches other doctrine and does not assent to healthful words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, nor to the teaching that accords with godly devotion, e is puffed up [with pride], not understanding anything, but being mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words. From these things spring envy, strife, abusive speeches, wicked suspicions..."

    What do other translations call them? "but has a sick interest in disputes", "does not understand anything", "but doting about question", " but he is ineffective in disputes", " but sick about questions and strifes of words", "but is crazy over discussions and controversies".

    Here is what one commentary says about this scripture (link here) "But doting - Margin, "sick." The Greek word - νοσε´ω noseo¯ - means properly to be sick; then to languish, to pine after. The meaning here is, that such persons had a sickly or morbid desire for debates of this kind. They had not a sound and healthy state of mind on the subject of religion. They were like a sickly man, who has no desire for solid and healthful food, but for that which will gratify a diseased appetite. They desired not sound doctrine, but controversies about unimportant and unsubstantial matters - things that bore the same relation to important doctrines which the things that a sick man pines after do to substantial food."

    Here is another commentary: (link here)

    but doting about questions and strifes of words: or he is "sick or diseased"; his mind is distempered; he is like one in a fever, that is delirious; his head is light and wild; his fancy is roving, and he talks of things he knows not what; his head runs upon "questions"; foolish and unlearned ones, about the law and works, and the necessity of them to justification and salvation; concerning genealogies, and other fruitless and unprofitable subjects:

    From what I have observed, Jehovah's Witnesses are relaying what the Bible has already taught. You can cry and pout, but realistically if you are an apostate and speak against them, you are a doting fool, or mentally diseased.

    Hi again Recovering - Oh, you are right. You did answer my question and then threw many demanding questions at me. I will answer your questions at my leisure. Right now I am not interested. Not afraid since I have nothing to fear. So right now, you do not believe in hell. You must be on the path to atheism or maybe an atheist already. If you do or do not believe in God, what does your questions indicate your interests are?

    Hi again OUTLAW - You have your twist about this video . Live with it. You believe Jehovah's Witnesses are petty and superstiticious. Okay... does this mean that you have a sick interest in disputes?

    Hi there Dismissing Servant - You ask a good question. Jesus will not just kill people, he will justly execute them. He will read the heart and put an end to them. He will not bind them in a place forever where they are tormented.

    Hi there Jeff - So you do not believe in God or hellfire. Okay.

    Hi there again Ucantnome - Again, we are not talking about passing the bread. We are talking about whether you think all Jehovah's Witnesses will be destroyed or go to hell to be tormented forever. Maybe you do think they will be going to hell and are afraid to admit it. You think your parents will be tormented? Would you confront Jesus and tell him to knock it off?

    Hi there again Pterist - Tricky words. You could have just said "I do not know" and leave it at that. I agree that Jehovah holds the individual Christian responsible for his/her actions yet he also works through his Son over the guidance of the Christian congregation. You must be a Christian in order "to be saved". If you are not a part of Christianity, then you will not "be saved". There is only one Christianity and those who make up this Christianity work together in unity to move forward with the message about the kingdom of God. We can talk about this later.

    Hi Frankiespeakin - So chime one more up to atheism.

    Hi there JWfacts - Okay. My question is senseless to you. To me it is a question asked all former Jehovah's Witnesses. I do not think that there is a religion called "ex-Jehovah's Witnesses". I know that former Witnesses all have different beliefs. Many I have come to find are atheists. Why do you suppose all these people from all these different aspects of life believe that Jehovah's Witnesses are wrong.

    So are you one of those people that believe that God works through all religions? The Bible does teach that few will make it on the road to life. Is your beef with the Jehovah's Witnesses or with Christianity? Born again Christians claim that only they will go to heaven and every body else to hell. Catholics teach much of the same but believe all their sects will come back to the "true Church" before Jesus arrives.

    Hi there Eve - Oh Eve. You used the "c" word to try and antagonize me. How nice. Yes, please call me a brainwashed mindless idiot. It makes your side of things so much clearer. Yes, I see the light and will leave the "Watchtower" because you called me the "c" word.

    I have been called a cult member since before I started studying with the Witnesses. Those who are ignorant like to demonize things that they do not understand. American's called the Japanese "Nips" and "Japs". The Chinese calls everybody not Chinese demons. The American racists called black people "N". Religionists like to call those who are not of their "sect" the name of cult because it makes them feel good that they chose the right side of things.

    It is an answerable question. You say yes or no. You say they will roast in hell for being a JW or you say that you do not believe in hell because you are an atheist.

    Hi there jgnat - sure, answer away. I do not know what you can contribute since I am asking about former JW's.

    Hi there again Resistance is Futile - Thank you for answering my question. I agree with you: A state of non-existence. The closest thing I can come up with is a deep sleep.

    I think only Christians will be saved through Armageddon. Everybody not a Christian will be put to death. Jehovah puts the child under the responsibilty of the parent. According to what I have been taught by the JW's, all those who did not hear about Jehovah will be given an opportunity to worship God during the 1000 year reign of Jesus. This would include children.

    Hi there Data-dog - Is this not why you from door to door? To warn others that Jehovah's Day is coming? To give them the opportunity to accept or reject Christianity? To make disciples? From what I was taught, Jesus will judge the heart. The righteous and the unrighteous will be resurrected.

    Hi there Sooner - So you are an atheist. You could have just said that instead of coming down on me. A bit of understanding and compassion from you?

  • sooner7nc

    Hi there Change Name: Who said I was an Atheist? Actually I would classify myself (I just love doing that!) as a lapsed Buddhist.

    What are your chances of not being made a fool of on this site? 2,987,768,665,980,405,564,345,129,876 to 1

    Hey, it's not like I didn't give you a chance.

    And don't confuse my refusal to suffer bullshitery as a lack of compassion.

  • MrFreeze

    I find it hard to believe Changed Name isn't a JW. He/She uses all of the same pathetic talking points and justifications for miserable doctrine. Must have a copy of the WT library handy.

    If you, like you claim, were never a Witness, then you have no basis on which to pass judgement on us. You have no idea what the cult has done to us. You can't ever know.

    I hope you know that according to JW doctrine, you will be bird food at Armageddon.

  • villagegirl

    SIMON ? MODERATORS ? Is there anyone ther to protect posters from abuse such as this sincere person has recieved?

    Is there no basic requirement for RESPECT ?

  • sooner7nc

    Sincere? Are you serious?

  • Quarterback

    Hi Name Change,

    I have one question for you.

    Are you counting Field Service time with this question to this site? Areyou Auxilliary pioneering for March? Oops....sorry, that's two questions.

  • recovering

    I am glad you at least admited you where wrong when you initialy accused me of avoiding answering your question change name. I have a concern however , you demanded that former witnesses answer your questions right away. When I posed questions for you your retort was the following...

    I will answer your questions at my leisure.

    This is an arrogant double standard.

    I have never claimed to be an atheist by the way, Just because i do not believe in hell does not make me an atheist. In fact one of the tenants of witnesses is their rejection of the hellfire doctrine. Does that make them atheists?


    NO. That is not why I go door to door. In fact, I get out of it whenever I can since I do not agree with the JW message of doom and gloom. To say that anyone's eternal prospects hang upon 3-5 minutes of rehearsed stammering while trying to place a magazine for a doctrine that you cannot explain..( take a breath ) is ridiculous. In fact going door to door in the prescribed manner of the JW's is not scriptural either. Christians do preach the good news of Christ. The problem with " judging " IMO is that as humans we tend to project our theories and feelings about judgment upon Christ. So I think such and such about subject x, therefore Christ must be planning on judging like I would... We should not even go down that road. Our priorities should be treating each and every human we see with dignity and respect, regardless of beliefs ( especially if you claim to be Christian ) and let the rest play out.

    Deceived Eve

    I agree with this comment 100%, " Anyway, as far as what I KNOW, as an individual with my OWN thoughts/opinions and conclusions: I know that if anyone tells me what will happen to ANYONE after death, I will dismiss them as a mere loneytoon because it is all imaginary. NO ONE knows what will happen to us after death beyond the decay of the physical body and brain (that is what you would call PROVEN by FACTS and EVIDENCE). Anything beyond that is speculation. Plain and simple. "

    I don't believe any of us really KNOW jack about too much. I prefer to have questions that I cannot answer, as opposed to answers that I am not ALLOWED to question. Especially by 8 guys making it up as they go along, who happen to live like celebrities while I work full-time and pay for the CO's car and health insurance.

    I can't really say what you will get, because I honestly do not know! I am personally hoping for this:

    You made some great points in your post. I suck at communicating, so there could be something to what you said. You seem fiesty and your pic is cute, so I guess you can tease me. I wish I had answers for a lot of things because I would gladly share them. As far as books being trustworthy just because they are ancient, well.... I see your point. When it comes to the Bible I really don't know how to judge what is cannonical and what isn't. I just look for truth in whatever I read. I do pretty well at spotting hypocrisy, and that helped wake me up to TTATT.

    I would also rather be told the cold hard truth, than be lied to. For instance, I will bury my parents soon, and I will get old and look like crap someday. I will need to save for the future. I will more than likely be df'd soon on trumped up charges of apostasy, my family will desert me to worship the Governing Body, and worst of all...Miracle Wheat does not work at all!



  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile
    I think only Christians will be saved through Armageddon. Everybody not a Christian will be put to death. Jehovah puts the child under the responsibilty of the parent. According to what I have been taught by the JW's, all those who did not hear about Jehovah will be given an opportunity to worship God during the 1000 year reign of Jesus. This would include children.

    Let us not be coy. When you say Christians, what exactly do you mean? Did you forget to put the "true" part?

    So do you believe that children are punished for the sins of the father?

    When you said that you've been studying with Jehovah's Witnesses for two years, that was less than forthcoming, wasn't it.

    Your understanding of what will occur at Armageddon isn't exactly in line with current truth, as taught by the Governing Body. The Watchtower teaches that non-witness children will be murdered at Armageddon and will not be resurrected and given an opportunity to worship Jehovah. But, I realize you didn't really address my question directly, did you. Perhaps we can be a little more direct with each other in the future though. Do you believe that the babies and children of non-Jehovahs Witness parents will be murdered at Armageddon?

  • Pterist

    Hi changed name again

    *** You must be a Christian in order "to be saved**** WRONG

    you must be a Christian "Anointed" to have the gift of Christ's Eternal Life dwelling within you in this present life. 1 John 5:11-13, which is denied to the majority of the WBTS membership.

    ***this Christianity work together in unity to move forward with the message about the kingdom of God. ***

    If this "Christianity" works in a forced UNIFORMITY with a DIFFERENT message then its NOT the KOG, but a man made theoracy like the RCC. Galatians 1:6-9, there is no moving forward on the message of the gospel, that's at best "running ahead" and at worse a "false and different gospel"

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