Would even die rather than get blood transfusion. The question is...... can I still respect and love someone so.......................... unreasonably a dub?
Damn! He is back with the cult and even more zealous
by FingersCrossed 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Only you can answer that question!
Who is "him"?
Witness My Fury
Nope. Do NOT marry him.
Theocratic Sedition
Definition of fiance': You still have time for a get out of jail free card.
Here are the questions YOU need to answer?
If you did marry him, and you have kids, would you you want them to be miss out on a normal childhood? Would you want them to be indoctrinated by a cult that tells them to die for their beliefs if required. Would you want them to be ostracised by their peers in school? What you do you is your choice, but could you live with the guilt of what could happen to your future children?
Sadly the track record for successful happy marriages with JWS and non-JWS is not very good.
He may have within himself the thinking that you'll eventually come around and join.
I would give this relationship a good hard evaluation before saying " I DO ".
The JWS is a very high controlling religion, meaning eventually he will be instructed to not start any relationships with non-JWS.
Now think about what that really entails for you.
From a devout brainwashed JWS perspective, your evil and you wont relieve yourself of that identity until you become one of them.
Be careful and alert for what might lay ahead with this fellow.
If you two are having sex - and that is the "bond" between you - go to the elders and turn him in, then they will disfellowship him. Problem solved. If he is all up into the Kingdom Hall and having "secret" sex with you as well, this is an indicator of the level of honesty he will bring into the marriage. Women do not change men's basic character, ever. Trust me on this. The Kingdom Hall has a lure for men because they get to have Titles and think they are in charge , and they get to wear suits and ties and act like executives in a little fantasy land.