Anyone noticed a curiosity on the Memorial Invitation for 2013 ?

by EdenOne 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Apognophos

    Hilarious, I immediately thought it was Janeway too. And I also thought that man looked like Russell. Presumably they're just depicting faithful servants of old who will be resurrected?

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    So, Janeway and Obama are among the annointed? The'll have to buy more wine!

  • Chariklo

    The whole bang lot of them are all on the happy pill...

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Hey I wouldn't have made it this far without my happy pills!!

  • rebel8

    ROFL Billy!

    Maybe instead of unleavened bread they could make something like this then. "Eat this, for it means my body. Make it so." LOL

  • prologos

    the group BEHIND he handsome man are the dead, the PAST.

    the group in front are the living. (although jehovah is said to be God of the living too).

    but you can see the dream of the WT that there will be way more living, PAYING members then already gone (to be resurrected) humans.

    They said one time (do not know where, when) "we know of no scripture that would require Abraham to take the emblems." of course,

    they forgot about chapter 6 of John, and even that great Crowd is not taken the emblems either, unless they fall asleep during the M talk, only to wake up and sip and eat.

    When the OS will wake up spiritually, they all will do that. right now it is secretly at home.

  • poppers

    I wonder who Jesus's hair stylist is.

  • suavojr

    Eden One,

    I was the one who posted this pic... I did not scan the back because it is all in spanish. Anyway, my main point for posting it was because of the people the GB decided to place next to Jesus. I can't remember in which magazine or yearbook I saw the faces of the two individuals next to Russell but I know I have seen them in some publications and that they were JW's. It sure is an interesting message the GB is trying to send...

  • blondie

    I do believe the gray people are those who have died already....anointed and other sheep. Technically the great crowd are only those who live through the Great Tribulation which ends with Armaggedon.

    Jesus gets looking more and more western in the WT pubs.

    Up until 1968 WTS publication depicted Jesus as beardless.

    *** w68 5/1 p. 288 Questions From Readers ***

    Nevertheless, as already shown, it is apparent that Jesus did wear a beard, and so artistic representations of him in future Watch Tower publications will harmonize with the Scriptural evidence to that effect.

    Doubtless the early Christians followed the custom of the time and locality in which they lived, with regard to the wearing of a beard. The Roman custom was beardlessness. Romans converted to Christianity would very likely continue in the Roman custom, while converts from the Jewish community would continue in the Jewish custom of wearing a beard.

    Today Christian ministers, like the early Christians, are concerned with neatness and cleanness, but they strive to dress inconspicuously, so that their appearance does not in any way detract from the dignity or the effectiveness of the message they bear. (2 Cor. 6:3, 4) In recent years in many lands a beard or long hair on a man attracts immediate notice and may, in the minds of the majority, classify such a person undesirably with extremists or as rebels against society. God’s ministers want to avoid making any impression that would take attention away from their ministry or hinder anyone from listening to the truth. They know that people are watching true Christians very critically and that to a great extent they judge the entire congregation and the good news by the minister’s appearance as a representative of the congregation.

    In paradise restored on earth it would not be out of order if men returned to wearing beards, in perfect fashion, like Adam in Eden.


    *** w54 8/15 p. 511 Questions From Readers ***

    The traditional picture of Jesus shows him with long hair and beard, but the Watch Tower publications illustrate him as beardless and with short hair. Which is correct?—M. H., United States.

    The later Watch Tower publications show Jesus as beardless and with short hair because he is shown that way in representations of him that are older than the traditional effeminate-looking picture. In an ancient beaker or cup found at Antioch, Syria, which purports to represent Jesus and his disciples at the Memorial supper, Jesus is engraved thereon as a beardless young man while some of his disciples are pictured with beards. For a photograph of this see Harper’s Bible Dictionary, page 22, in the midst of the article “Antioch, the Chalice of.” (M. S. and J. L. Miller, 1952) The scholarly book by Jack Finegan, Light from the Ancient Past, tells of second-century Christian paintings found in the Catacomb of Priscilla, in the room Cappella Greca, and states:

    “The painting of the Resurrection of Lazarus is now almost effaced but it is still possible to recognize that on one side is depicted a small building containing a mummy and on the other, the sister of Lazarus standing with arms upraised. In the middle Christ is shown, facing toward the tomb and with the right hand uplifted in a gesture of speech. He is represented in the Roman type, and is dressed in tunic and pallium, the left hand holding the garment. He is youthful and beardless, with short hair and large eyes. . . . The picture is of great interest since it is the oldest representation of Jesus that is preserved anywhere.”—Page 371....

  • Pterist

    Typical WBTS false gospel and subliminal messages to rebuild the wall that Christ's work demolished, so any who desire new life and power for living, can have access to the ONE SPIRIT through HIM.

    But now in Christ Jesus you [Gentiles] who once were far off have been brought near in the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who has made us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law of commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby bringing the hostility to an end. And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. {Eph 2:13-18 RSV}

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