Since you are trying to draw conclusions from polls and data, it probably would help to talk to someone with experience in that.
If someone could email me details of their academic credentials in the field of survey work and volunteer their professional time and efforts towards improving our survey, I would greet their assistance with open arms. Nobody has yet done that. Not even you.
And yes, doing something can be worse than doing nothing. That's my point. A bad conclusion from bad data can absolutely be 100% worse than no information.
Would you care to specify precisely what "bad conclusion" can be drawn from, say, our 2012 results? Or do you just prefer throwing criticisms without giving actual examples?
The OP, calling the results "shocking", suggests you are drawing conclusions.
Oh, I see. So you are one of those interesting JWN posters for whom I must write "IMO" before everything I say in order for it to be construed as my opinion, and not something I insist on others believing?
I don't think anyone ever said that. Are you suggesting that's the point I was making?
That's precisely what you insinuated when you said: "For instance, how many people who answered elder questions were or are elders? How many people were even JWs or ex-Jws?" You're an expert on surveys but you don't know what "insinuated" means?
Some people are doers. Others do nothing. Others still both do nothing and sit on the sidelines criticizing those who are doing something.