The results of the 2012 survey are published, and the new 2013 survey is now online!

by cedars 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars


    Since you are trying to draw conclusions from polls and data, it probably would help to talk to someone with experience in that.

    If someone could email me details of their academic credentials in the field of survey work and volunteer their professional time and efforts towards improving our survey, I would greet their assistance with open arms. Nobody has yet done that. Not even you.

    And yes, doing something can be worse than doing nothing. That's my point. A bad conclusion from bad data can absolutely be 100% worse than no information.

    Would you care to specify precisely what "bad conclusion" can be drawn from, say, our 2012 results? Or do you just prefer throwing criticisms without giving actual examples?

    The OP, calling the results "shocking", suggests you are drawing conclusions.

    Oh, I see. So you are one of those interesting JWN posters for whom I must write "IMO" before everything I say in order for it to be construed as my opinion, and not something I insist on others believing?

    I don't think anyone ever said that. Are you suggesting that's the point I was making?

    That's precisely what you insinuated when you said: "For instance, how many people who answered elder questions were or are elders? How many people were even JWs or ex-Jws?" You're an expert on surveys but you don't know what "insinuated" means?

    Some people are doers. Others do nothing. Others still both do nothing and sit on the sidelines criticizing those who are doing something.


  • cedars


    I thought your survey questions were fine and the actual survey wasn't intimidating me, it was the fact I was on an "apostate" website and I thought the elders would STORMTROOPER my house.

    Thanks so much for taking part in our survey. I'm glad you didn't find it too intimidating!

    The more like you who overcome the fear barrier to add their voices, the better!


  • EntirelyPossible

    I see you are more interested in fighting and being butthurt that learning. I have nothing further to dicuss someone that goes into such an emotional state so quickly.

    Have a pleasant day.

  • Pterist

    Marked, thanks for the update.

  • cedars


    I see you are more interested in fighting and being butthurt that learning. I have nothing further to dicuss someone that goes into such an emotional state so quickly.

    Have a pleasant day.

    I am learning all the time from those who make meaningful contributions to our survey, such as practical suggestions on how it can be further improved. Each new survey is a product of the suggestions received during the last one. It is a constantly evolving project. Who knows, maybe in the future it will become sophisticated enough to become academically credible to religious scholars, etc. Until then, we are giving people a voice - nothing more, nothing less.

    Those who take aimless potshots in an attempt to boost their own credibility at the expense of others I don't have a great deal of time for - especially when I've just spent four days working on the object of their criticism without pay for a cause both I and many others believe in. I challenge anyone not to get a tad emotional if they work hard on something only to have some guy try to demean it as "worse than nothing" just to boost his ego.


  • Phizzy

    I think the Survey is a great idea, though wrong conclusions could possibly be drawn, but I do not think that is as important as the survey being "out there".

    When you first "wake up" to reality and realise that something is wrong with the WT, you feel a whole gamut of emotions, but one is loneliness and the fear that goes with that.

    To see a survey such as this, that shows that hundreds of people have concerns about JW/WT teaching and practices is a great comfort, and a spur to investigate further.

    I think also, that no matter how small the survey , certain conclusions can be drawn with a good chance of their being quite accurate, for example, it is heartening to see the large percentage of respondents who are not duped by the GB's posturing and postulations, they doubt the rhetoric, whereas we may have thought that nearly all active JW's swallowed that particular piece of deceit hook, line and sinker, they do not.

    Well done Cedars, keep up the good work !

  • EntirelyPossible

    As I said, I have no interest in teaching someone who gets so emotional at constructive criticism and jumps to personal attacks, the lowest form of attack. Have a pleasant day. Or don't. I really don't care.

  • cedars


    As I said, I have interest in teaching someone who gets so emotional at constructive criticism and jumps to personal attacks, the lowest form of attack. Have a pleasant day. Or don't. I really don't care.

    I would add "constructive criticism" to "insinuated" in the terms you need to go away and research the definition of. You "insinuated" that our survey is effectively worse than nothing. I don't call that constructive criticism.

    As to personal attacks, my criticism of you was no more stinging than your criticism of me. If you can't take criticism, I suggest you stop dishing it out.

    And for the record, I am always learning from this community. However, I find it easier to learn from those with something to teach.


  • EntirelyPossible

    I also have no interested in having a discussion with someone that confused personal criticism (your mischaractization of me, which, BTW, was not actually criticism but a base personal attack) with a critical look at a project.

    Now, sadly for you, I have work to do and adult discussions to have that aren't about your feelings getting hurt over feedback on your project. The lesson is over. Whether or not you learn something is up to you. Dismissed.

    Feel free to respond. I won't be wasting any more time with you. The last word is all yours, I'm pretty sure you won't feel like you won without it.

  • cedars


    I didn't realise there needed to be a last word. We were having a discussion and this is the third time you've threatened to walk away from it because I won't bow before your seemingly self-certified academic credentials in the field of survey work. If you want your views to be respected I suggest you verify your experience first, and also learn how to have an adult discussion on a sensitive issue without getting upset and leaving the room if you aren't agreed with.

    A little bedside manner wouldn't go amiss either, rather than "your survey sucks, it's worse than nothing, discuss."


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