Thanks very much for sharing your experience, and good on you for holding your own against them. Sadly I see very little shepherding from them, rather they seem to be trying to catch you out on something. How very far from the spirit and love of Jesus.
Instead of seeking to apply Jude 22, they are as others have said, decided to act like the evil and beating up their fellows. Shame on them for being guided by the Book of Elders and not the scriptures.
As a former elder I must be honest and say that they will be back, one way or another, and they will hound you for clarification on what you have with a view to pinning you on something. They will most definitely report back to the body, and they will be asked "Did she clearly state that she does not believe the GB is God's channel?" They can't say for certain, so they will be asked to get clarification and confirmation. This may be by way of formal meeting, phonecall, or allegedly 'casual' conversation. Be on your toes, and as wise as a serpent.
My advice would be avoid further meetings with them. You owe them nothing. They will take whatever power they can from you. Do whatever you can to not meet with them. Use you PTSD as a reason. Use their rules sgainst them by getting hubby to stand (physically or verbally) between you and them as the 'head of the house' and say that they are not allowed to see you. He / you don't have to give a reason. They have no right to demand one.
They will keep at it, but if you both stick to your guns, stick to the plan, eventually you will be written off as too much hard work, and they will move on to easier prey. Commence a nice slow fade away and out of their sight.
There is a storm coming, but it is a very survivable storm.
Mrs Smith and I wish you and your hubby the very best.