So a question I always wondered about growing up was how do the annointed know that they are annointed and how does that conversation go down when you approach the elders about "being chosen". How do they prove that they get to taste the wine and eat the bread? I knew two sisters who were "annointed" and now that I've been out for quite a while I look back and think, did they know that they were lying or did they truly believe? I'm interested in what all of you think or know about this.
The Annointed
by earthfire 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The "anointed" know who they are.
Sorry for the typo!
For some research on what the NT says about "anointed/anointing" see the following posts:
Here (my post #490), and
Here (my post #519)
Here (post 619 and 622 - with regard to the "great crowd and being "anointed")
You'll be surprised how much the NT doesn't say about this topic. Needless to say, the WT is using this topic to maintain their power structure.
One day I'm going to collect all my research on this topic and post it on a single thread for reference.
Sorry about the double post -not exactly sure how it happened.
To be considered one of the anointed, all you need is a good poker face and the gall to resolutely stick to your guns under questioning.
An acceptable response to the question, "but how do you know you're anointed?" is... "I just know." There's no real trick to it. You just need to be comfortable with the idea that a good number of JWs who learn of your heavenly calling might think you're bonkers. Especially after the Questions From Readers in the 8/15 2011 Watchtower, page 22.
You can still fix the typo in your original post for the next 8 minutes, earthfire ;)
As to whether the anointed believe they are really anointed, I'd guess most do. Some people have something akin to an out-of-body experience, a strong pious feeling when being baptized, or a really vivid dream which leads them to think they were anointed. Since it's probably not common for "anointed" ones to share their experiences with others, no one really knows if they were "anointed" in the "usual" way because there's no documentation on the matter.
Yan Bibiyan
A standard Watchtower answer given to me by my attempted indoctrinator study conductor was that they " Know just like you know if you are a man or a woman".
May as well use it and if you decide to sip and nibble tell them that you know "just like you know you are a man or a woman"
How do you know you're anointed?
As I pointed out on this thread (post # 474), the real question is: What would make a Christian think they are NOT anointed.
Every reference to anointed/anointing in the NT that is in reference to Jesus' disciples assumes that all of them are. 2 Cor 1:21; 1 Jn 2:20, 27 (x2) are the only four places anointing is directly spoken of in connection with Christians. All four occurrances assume that the entire audience being written to were anointed. In 1 John, it is implied that 'those who left' were not anointed. But the NT NEVER speaks of a class of non-anointed Christians. This is a WT fiction- or more likely, a very good lie.
The initial 'batch' of Christians had an unusual experience when they were anointed. But there is no evidence that every Christian since had some unusual experience. JWs have "experiences" to tell about how they were 'anointed' because they are under the impression that that is the way it is supposed to be. And they are under that impression because the WT lyingly maintains that most Christians are not supposed to be anointed. The 'experiences' are, in effect, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Galatians chapter 3 points out that Christians 'receive the promised spirit' as a result of their faith in Christ, not some fanciful selection process.
A phrase that I remember was that the anointed have within themselves the unmistakeable evidence that they are called to be part of the bride of Christ. So as has been said, they just know, and if you doubt - then you are not (thats what the WTS says)
A crass illustration comes to mind. Some people growing up just know that they are different , just know that they are gay .... I guess they mean it is something like that. I would like to see the face of an old-time dub if I used that illustration though