Researchers predict the End of Religion-Forbes

by jam 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    A team of researchers has developed a mathematical model

    that predicts the end of religion in nine countries.

    www. forbes. com-2011

    The nine countries, Australia, Austria, Canada, Czec Republic,

    Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand and Switzerland.

    You Canadians have you seen any evidence of this since 2011?

    It will never happen. Do you agree??

  • Giordano

    I agree but more and more, 1.3 billion according to the PEW survey, don't identify with any religion and in this information age that will only increase.

  • Glander

    giordano your posts are an irrellevant waste of time

    and you have bad breath


  • jgnat

    I went to the original study, done in 2011. Those nine countries were the ones studied; they are not all the countries that will go agnostic/athiest.

    The model does not give a prediction when religions will be obsolete in these countries, and they do not predict to zero.

    "According to the model, a single parameter quantifying the perceived utility of adhering to a religion determines whether the unafilliated group will grow in a society. The model predicts that for societies in which the perceived utility of not adhering is greater than the utility of adhering, religion will be driven towards extinction."

    Mega-churches can mask an overall decline in church membership, as they may suck up members from smaller congregations. Kind of like the Wal-Mart of the religious world.

  • jam

    WOW, Glander did I miss something here, an inside

    joke between you and Giordano. That,s not nice, a personal

    attack on someone breath.

  • jam

    Jgnat thanks for the info. Yes the Mega-churches the Wal-Mart

    of the religious world, agree.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    I don't see the end of religion, I see it being more internet based though. I also see new types religions. Everyone worships someone or something and always will.

  • jgnat

    More about Wal-Mart: What Happens When Wal-Mart Comes to Town by Panle Jia (Conclusion)

    In this paper, I have examined the competition effect of Kmart and Wal-Mart stores on other discount stores and the role of the chain effect in firms’ entry decisions. The results support the anecdotal evidence that “big drives out small.” On average, entry by either a Kmart or a Wal-Mart store makes 46% to 58% of the discount stores, or two to three stores, either unprofitable or unable to recover their sunk cost. Wal-Mart’s expansion from the late 1980s to the late 1990s explains 37% to 55% of the net change in the number of small discount firms, as well as all other discount stores.

  • jam

    Deputy dog: Yes religion has been around a long time, they

    will reinvent themselves.

  • jgnat

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