Our Congregation is rationing regular bibles like they're gold bars. I was told that Bethel is out of stock! Anyone else hear about this? From what I understand, it's the reference bibles and deluxe bibles too. Is this the beginning of the end? Are they about to revise the translation?
Bibles out of stock at Bethel?
by nochoice 75 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Funny you should mention this because there are no bibles to be had in the local congregations. --The idea is swirling around that maybe a revised edition is in the works. --Only rumor--
It sure smells to the high heavens that a "new release" is a-looming on the earthly horizon.
There's nothing like the principle of scarcity for whipping up extra sales: Keep the rank and file waiting for new bibles and, presto, produce a new edition Bible available en masse at a district convention. Sales, brothers, sales. Yes, let your word sales be truth, etc.
A new edition Bible? Like the world really needs that!
The Bible 2 - the sequel, return of Factstrangler.
Well, we're on bi12 from 1984. Maybe it's time.
Really though, I wonder if it's more about changing equipment out and waiting until all printing is moved out of Brooklyn. It seems like they're not only out, but they're also not producing any at all. Recieving reduced amounts at the hall is one thing. Receiving nothing is another. Supposedly the couple bibles we have are from other congregations that are now wanting them back because they didn't realize they couldn't be replaced!
Like with the Watchtower they looking for ways to cut costs. They're probably take the bible from 66 books down to 33 books.
WHy would a revision to Gods word be needed if he gave the words to the NWT ? Did Jehovah change his mind ?
Plus 66 books in the Bible sounds very satanic, its almost the same as 666. They can eliminate the pornography of Song of Solomon, and the book of Ishtar.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Maybe they'll finally establish a "for profit" corporation so that they can start charging $$$ for Bibles again.
I always wondered why they didnt charge $50 per Bible. A super duper gold leather version could be sold for $200 with all proceeds going to the WWW.