How could Jesus have been a perfect human on earth if he was born from Mary? Doesn't theWatchtower believe since we are all sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, that we are all genetically imperfect? So if Mary also came from Adam and eve like the rest of us but gave birth to Jesus then wouldn't Jesus have been born imperfectlike the rest of us?
ALSO a side question... what did you think of people you saw at the hall who didn't look up their own scriptures in the bible at meetings or used bible tabs?
OH and for the people who went to meeting today, wasnt that picture of that girl with the "bad attitude" annoying? Not because of the girl but the fact that the society made her look "wordly" with her red streak in her hair and black choker necklace? Oh yes, because everyone with a colored streak in their hair must be so horrible/against Jehovah.