A Mormon manages to awaken from mind control with a little help from Jehovah's Witnesses...
by cedars 45 Replies latest jw friends
So no more majic underwear ?
Rub a Dub
Interesting story! I like how he was trying to find a logical reason for why JWs are persecuted. I never thought JWs destroyed families until I was on the other side.
There was an example given in a recent WT about a Mormon who became a JW. The irony was that this new JW left the Mormon faith because they could not answer his questions. The Mormon leaders said that he should wait for the " light to get brighter."
Sadly, the person who made this video rushed ahead of God's Mormon Organization..
No religion or human belief is safe from the effects of confirmation bias-- JWs and Mormons have a lot invested in their religion--consequently, it is very hard to get them to objectively look at negative information .
Great presentation internet is gonna bring these psychos down too many good videos out there including all yours Ceders.
Keep up the good work!
The whole series is great...
If you are feeling especially bold, e-mail the link to the first one to all of your JW contacts with a note he finds the real truth later on in the series
Excellent find Cedars, I watched all the series except number 5 as it's blocked in the UK. Thank you for pointing it out. It's amazing the similarities there are between JW and LDS.