How long ago Simon was that stuff written, that Teejay dutifully reported I note? I mean it's crashed and gone and yet you still hold on to it? Sounds to me like you are as bad as some Wendy refers to but doesn't name. Let it go man, let it go.
Don't you have some Holy Elder to protect from some vulnerable, pregnant woman or a family to tend to or perhaps Ang has some recent rantings from Zazu to share??? Yes, Simon, even you have other things to do, though it is hard to believe considering what you consider worthy of saving.
Not at all surprised to see the same level of pathetic mindset-- Julie
But some of them are still obviously addicted to your site, Simon. Even when they say they will quit, they can't. ;-) Maybe that's why they have to demand their account be disabled (and then claim they were "DF'd").
Ros "A religion that teaches lies cannot be true"--The Watchtower, 12/1/91 pg. 7
This is wonderful satire: I think, if I understand it right, kent left because of all the swear words, the sex talk, and the nasty pictures people kept posting around here, all with Simon's approval. Had to go and make a nice, clean site that JWs leaving the Organization wouldn't mind visiting. Gotta love that kent!
I've spoken with Kent some months ago, believe you me he will fall around laughing at this, just as I have.
Then I usually realize perhaps I am a little upset and I'll do some sort of medication thing. I often do mindless work while this sets in. Then of course.....
I wield my mighty pen.
Could be anything. A post to some asshole on ANOTHER board or just hand written blatherings never to be viewed by another human. ...
After the rants, the meds, the collapse, then all has been properly mulled over the most likely course is again the mighty pen but I will stick to words that are rational and leave no clue as to the emotional turmoil that has passed. - Julie (from a thread at Kent's board on finding tranquility)
I certainly hope that coming back here, insulting Simon and other's here has helped you find the tranquility and peace you mention above.
Kismet - who is hoping all this is just an April Fool's Day gag
Why do people move so quickly to take offense to something? I saw it as satire and found it hilarious! We all know Simon's board is anything but pure and we all know Kent has a terribly wicked sense of humor. I figured he'd be laughing about it as well. If he doesn't and I'm wrong, I will apologize for it.
Either way...both Simon and Kent have a great value to the exJW community. Why can't we just acknowledge their worth in spite of their differences? I think that we all have value in the exJW community. Warring about who's better, smarter, prettier, has a better board just keeps us in the JW mindset of "classes" amongst the peoples. This goes for all of Kent's and Simon's "followers".
This flame war stuff is so third grade! Get over it and move on!