I think anybody who was a Witness pre-1975 and now is saying that the witnesses didn't preach the end coming in 1975 HAS to know inside that it is a lie.
Interestingly, people have the ability to remake their own histories. We all do it. However, JW's take that a step further in that their own religious leaders encourage - and rewrite books to help with this reshaping. The Proclaimers Book is a good example - remaking their own history to be more palatable for their readers, who for the most part, are uneducated, not trained in logical thinking, so therefore, somewhat easy to mold however the leaders want. And that's what we all were.
My mil & husband were discussing a couple of years ago about how "some brothers went off the deep end and weren't balanced about 1975." I couldn't believe what I was hearing! They maintained that the Society never said anything wrong - just brothers "read into their words too much." After arguing with them, my husband slowly remembered a brother he knew, quite balanced, selling his home, throwing his business away, pioneering, elder......and then starting over again.
I had a close friend who committed suicide in 1979.....and the failure of 1975 played a big part in his continued depression during those years. He LIVED to see THE END of this system. His whole life fell apart afterwards, job, marriage, friends, etc., - he could never recoup. I remember him quoting every word that came from CO's & DO's talk about "the remaining months."
Was he to blame? To a certain degree - he was a True Believer. But the WTBTS urged his unbalance on, goaded him, put The Prize of Everlasting Life in front of him - and then he hung himself. 29 years old.