Won't the elders start waking up since they know the truth about the so-called forgiven mortgages?
The typical elder is very busy. He has a job, family obligations, a yard to mow, car to repair, and a job that doesn't pay him enough. Plus he's going to meetings, preparing parts, going in (token) Field Circus, attending special Elder Meetings, perhaps sitting on Judicial Committees, shirking off Shepherding responsibilities, etc
Why does he keep this pace? Because the Organization sends in the CO every six months and strokes them and tells them they are appointed by God and doing God's work and caring for God's Sheep and it's the only time in his miserable life that he gets any praise. Usually his wife is bitching about him neglecting things at home, or worse, they are middle aged and she is menopausal and bitching about nothing, add to that, his boss is bitching about things that bosses always bitch about.
The great majority are poorly educated, stuck in dead end jobs that give them little fulfillment in lives. They might be stuck in dead end marriages that give them little fulfillment either.
BUT......at the Kingdom Hall they are an Elder. At a CirAssm or Convention they maybe are Dept Head or Assistant or be the envy of all the other Elders if they as assigned a Conv Talk. In those situations, they get to clean the grime out of their finger nails, put on a $100 suit (or $20 second-hand suit from Goodwill) and strut around as though they really have attained something in life. They are God's/GB's right-hand man.
Will they wake up over the "mortgage-gate" rip-off? Not a chance. They likely seldom contribute more than a few buckspersonally because they're spending all their money on gas driving around on Saturday, and they have to keep enough to go out to a buffet after the meeting on Sunday (or their wife will bitch even more) and they must reserve enough to buy a case of beer each week to lower the stress.
Do they know about all the lawsuits for child abuse? NO. I have not spoken to one hardliner JW who knows anything about it. You can be sure that almost anyone who mentions Conti or the others is reading NON-approved websites and is already doubting things. That Elder above, does not question the WTS or GB or CO (unless he's faking it and already posting here).