Personal Experience

by Joe Nigma 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Joe Nigma
    Joe Nigma

    My experience. Read, Enjoy.

    I grew up in another religion. I believed in everything I heard. No one was aloud to open the bible because it was only for our religious leaders. Almost everyone who I knew were doing bad things and had the idea that God will forgive them because he is “a forgiving God”, and as long they pray for forgiveness after their wrong doing, it was alright; so they thought. I was lost, but I found truth in the bible. The scriptures said that God only forgives those who are truly repentant. If you are truly repentant, a simple I’m sorry wasn’t going to cut it. You have to put your remorse into action. If you know that you’re going to plan to do it again, are you truly sorry? No. I’m glad that I had some one show me this scripture before I went out and committed serious wrongs in my life.
    The people who showed me were Jehovah’s Witnesses. Even then I felt they were a cult. I hated Jehovah’s Witnesses because they came to study with my mother. I thought my mother is going to be brainwashed by these people. I started trashing Watchtowers left and right. I did this for years. I tried to challenge them, and guess what…I could never find fault with them. Every thing they did was in the bible. I challenge them with scriptures and doctrines. Turns out, I was the one in darkness.
    I searched many religions only to find out that they basically believe in the same wrong things. Jehovah’s Witness are different in that they used the bible as their source and way of life. It changed my life to doing what is good. I had a friend that grew up with me since middle school, he started to study and he left his wild debauched life and became baptized. He married his girlfriend and started to provide for his son.
    The truth gives you a hope for the future. That even when you die, you may have life and serve God.

    Imagine there is no God. Imagine there is no “Kingdom” that will make the world into a paradise.
    What is there to live for? Who cares, steal – get stolen; rape-be raped; trash the earth for profits; kill- be murdered. Who care…morals? What for---its all about self gratification, right? Hey, might as well, what is there to loose, we all have “sinful temptations”, don’t deny yourself, you are going to die…life is short!
    Would you really want that? While violating someone’s rights, your rights will be violated too…and taken quickly, perhaps-animalistic as man is- the world as we know it now would have self destructed many years ago if people had no fear of God or Law.

    If you want to play the game, you must play by the rules. You want to have a happy life, don’t cheat on each other- treat everyone with respect (*golden rule). You want more out of life than just death-“This means everlasting life taking in knowledge of you the only true God and the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ”- John 17:3

    Look at all the religions out there. Who are the ones fighting against each other? Who are the ones that only go for church to have a good old fashioned faith-healing? (now is that bizarre, but people don’t protest that on the net) How about the sex and child molesting scandals that are on the news the past weeks, I don’t see people flocking out of them ( same church that burned people at the stake for reading their bibles centuries ago, and help Hitler in WWII). I don’t see people here protesting that! Instead they protest 1975. What is wrong with this picture?

    The people who were at once at their end of their rope, I have seen first hand- were helped and their lives changed. Now I have the opportunity to do the same for over 7 years now. Did you know that JWs are at first hand helping in disasters when they strike all over the world. They help JWs and non-JWs equally when disaster strikes. They do what everyone should be doing. They don’t brag or broad cast it like people who want recognition. They know Jehovah saw them and the friends now that they can depend on each other. At one time I was very poor and no money. The friend without me asking brought me food and clothing and furniture and money to pay my bills till my mom and I was on our feet again. They would help me year after years for a several years to get to the conventions in different states. I never seen so much love as I do with the JWs than any other religion. I am very happy.

    If you have a similar experience about the truth transforming your life as a better person being a JW let me know. Otherwise, please just read. There are so much negative responses, I really don’t need them here. Thank You.

  • Farkel

    : If you have a similar experience about the truth transforming your life as a better person being a JW let me know.

    This will be the shortest thread in the history of threads.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Get lost troll crud.

  • waiting

    Hello Joe,

    Welcome to our forum. You don't agree with the majority of us? And the problem for us would be..........nothing. You have the freedom to come here - as surely we wouldn't want to be as closed minded as the WTBTS and shun you, now would we? We are individuals, like you, here - and we've learned a more balanced view of religion, the bible, and Jehovah's Witnesses here.....and at many sites dealing with these issues.

    You've mentioned good things about specific Jehovah's Witnesses - and you're correct. As individuals - there are some good, even excellent, persons. As JW's, we learned that truth about other religions "There's good people in all religions." I'm glad you and your mother were fortunate enough to meet good examples of good people amongst Jehovah's Witnesses.

    However, that doesn't prove that the Society is "God's Only Channel to Mankind" as they claim. It does show that they have some good people within their ranks - and I think we'd all agree with that.

    Much of your argument surrounds the idea that "Jehovah's Witnesses are better than other religions." I would argue that point - because Jehovah's Wtinesses don't say that - they say that all other religions, and atheists are dead wrong. God-will-kill-you-all-dead-wrong.

    Jehovah's Witnesses say that they are not just better - they say they are only religion who is totally right - as you've written, and base all their teachings on the Bible - and are "God's Only Channel to Mankind." That would be an "untruth" - right along with all the other religions.

    Btw, the Bible itself, can be proven to hold falacies & fancies of history. Please do your homework outside the WTBTS. Like any good political/business corporation - the WTBTS tells you only what they want you to know.

    Please visit - and actually read & look up JW quotes - at the websites given at the bottom of this page. These sites will give you links to more sites.

    Merry reading and please come back and visit.


  • apostate man
    apostate man

    Sorry to hear that you grew up Catholic(?). Even more sorry to hear your a dub.

    Waiting hit it right on, but I will add a little.

    I searched many religions only to find out that they basically believe in the same wrong things. Jehovah’s Witness are different in that they used the bible as their source and way of life.
    WRONG If you have done your research as well as my in-law has, you have missed a lot, just like she. Go back, way back to the beginning and find out the things that they wont tell you. Ask where they got their original dates from.

    , and help Hitler in WWII
    WTdid this.
    They would help me year after years for a several years to get to the conventions in different states
    UUUH, YEeeaAH. Why wouldn't they?
    I never seen so much love as I do with the JWs than any other religion.
    And HOW MANY other religions were you a part of?? 2 total?
    Break the chains that bind you,
    unless your into that sort of thing.
  • SYN

    Positive experiences as a Dub?


    All I remember is a mind-control cult who's meetings were so stupifyingly boring that my brain wanted to crawl out of my nostrils and strangle me!!!

    And remember, my dearest Brother, that the love of most people in the WTBTS is very shallow indeed. Stop going to meetings regularly, say something against an Elder, or even question the most ridiculous of their doctrines, and you are labelled a "bad influence" and your 'friends' are no more. Ever heard of something called "conditional friendship"? Try questioning a WTBTS doctrine or the GB members and you'll soon find out what it means.

    Love amongst the Brothers? It's a sham, if you ask me.

    now is that bizarre, but people don’t protest that on the net
    I could tell you about quite a few bizarre parts of being a Dub, but I suspect it would be a waste of bandwidth, because you seem to be convinced.

    The people who were at once at their end of their rope, I have seen first hand- were helped and their lives changed
    Yes, if you neuter a tomcat he will have a much better, more peaceful life. 'Better' is relative, my friend. I'd rather be an unhappy Apostate than a happy Dub, thank you very much. Better a free cockroach than a beautiful lion in a cage.

    There are so much negative responses, I really don’t need them here. Thank You.
    Well, would you be positive if an Organization enslaved you for a very large fraction of your life? I doubt it. But then, nobody's hand can touch their elbow, and until you learn to think for yourself I doubt that you'll even know what it's like to be free.

    [SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa - For Great Justice!

  • aprostate

    Hi Joe,

    I am sorry you are still entwined in the JW cult.

    I was a Witness for 26 years. I started going door to door when I was four. In all those years I never saw them help anyone who wasn't a JW.

    The way you feel about JWs is probably the same way that the people who followed Jim Jones or David Koresh felt. Their followers found what they would have described as a loving place with them. They helped their people with their needs when they were in trouble. I am sure their followers thought that they proved everything from the Bible to them. I don't belive that these things necessarily make a religion a good place to be.

    The Witnesses close you off from the rest of the world. They always talk about the evilness of the world the way that you do. Yes, there is a lot of bad in the world; but, there is also a lot of good. They tell you what to do and what not to do in every part of your life.

    Go in service. Not enough.......bad

    Don't do......bad

    Read witness literature....Not enough.....bad

    Study your watchtower....oops didn't .....bad

    Wear the proper clothing....ooops skirt too short.....bad

    Don't associate with people who aren't witnesses.....oops I had lunch with a boy at work.........bad

    Don't listen to music that is not upbuilding.....oops I listened to I Can't Get No Satisfaction AND I liked it.(I'm old, okay?LOL) ...........bad

    Don't have independant thinking.......oops I looked at an ex-JW site and posted on it......bad

    GET IT?

    Living in constant fear even as a small child isn't my idea of happiness.

    I feel sorry for you that you are still caught in that web. I hope you find your way out.

    A big hug to you.

    Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.


  • JWs_suck


  • lostmyself

    Dear Joe,....

    Not necessarily a positive response but neither a negative. Here it goes.... Umm.... Why do you post when you know that you will get a overwhelming negative answer? Why do you not go to a get together and strike up a bible based discussion?...... You could find out how they came into the truth and receive that postive answers that you were looking for.
    I'm not asking to be sarcastic but more out of genuine curiousity. See I am new to being out of the truth. It makes it 2 weeks today that i haven't been to a meeting. (not including the memorial) In fact if i were back home i would be sitting in a kingdom hall at this very moment. I would like to talk to you though... the negatitivity i understand from many of these board members. Some have suffered much as that is their perception (and that is their right). However, i would like to hear yours.... you know have a balance.... and unlike you... i cannot go to a meeting right now...(i am not df'd or da'd or anything else) Just stopped going. I needed to clear my head and know that i am doing it for me and no one else. Cause i was doing it for all the wrong reasons before.

    anyhow let me know

  • Joyzabel

    <looking in a mirror> HEY, how do you know my arse is fat???


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