NYTimes/FEMA WTC Update

by SYN 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Xander

    The point is that metal conducts heat...steal is a pretty good conductor. As one spot started heating up, the heat would have been conducted away from that spot out along the building core.

    I didn't say I believed that guys theory - but his numbers regarding the melting point of steel are useful.

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana
  • SixofNine
    his numbers regarding the melting point of steel are useful.

    I disagree. Here is why: one can read his entire article, coming away with wild ideas that contradict simple logic, w/o ever knowing at what point steel melts. Yet, at first glance, one would think that he had indeed established that the trade center steel melts at approx 1500 degrees celcius.

    He obviously wants us to believe that, but for all his "research" he doesn't actually say what type the trade center steel is, or what the melting point of said steel (or any steel, for that matter) is. He has no references about the heat and stresses that might make the steel on one floor of the trade center fail.

    Further, he makes big noise about the amount of steel in the building, as if he wants people to think that huge quantities of steel had to fail from the fire to bring the building down. Obviously not true. When one floor failed, collapsed, the building was a goner.

    I think he wants attention at the expense of truth.

  • XxDark KnightxX
    XxDark KnightxX

    Greetings to all the folks who posted here...

    a note on the President's useage of this hand gesture is documented here:
    < http://hardtruth.topcities.com/signal_2.jpeg>;
    the image wont load for some reason so i implore you to copy and past the link into the address bar to load it.

    I for one would like to Commend SYN for keeping his awake and aware watch in tune with correct timing ( pertaining to conspiracy and logical intelligence )

    the above picture was taken from a very informative website that is found here:

    I for one am a coherent and intelligent individual who also gives people the benefite of the doubt that they have intelligence, even if indeed "We the People.." at this present time are nothing more than STRAW MEN and WOMEN , being traded on the Trade Market for our Certificate Value to maintain the financial status of "America", you still can add, and 2 and 2 to intelligent folks always will equal 4, even if the equasion is 2y=2(squared).

    Given the fact that Operation Watchtower ( http://www.newnetizen.com/fema/eoboc.htm ) was exposed as indicting several top governemt officials , including GW Bush as violating several constitutional laws in a severly gross way ( by bringing 50 tons of cocaine into the united states to Mena airport for distribution on American streets to American citizens ( children included ) to produce funds needed for thier operations in central america to thwart communism, ... and have publicly admitted to doing so before congressional inquiries in some cases ( with no reprocussion or penalty for gross and intentional constitutional violations ,breech of contractual bond between them and the american people, and documented proof of thier gross negligence to deliver the law and serve as trustees in good faith of our rights ), it is thus not a possibility that the WTC events were a conspiracy, but a fact that they did enact this tragedy, and did plan so to impliment financial good faith towards thier "creditors" who demanded delivery of contract settlement for services rendered...

    and so the federalists made good on matured federal bonds that matured and thus the "goods" that backed those notes had to be delivered... american indentured citizens that were certified assests by way of certificate ( birth, marriage, or naturalized ) and were liscenced to operate fictitiously as people yet were only people in body only. the fact that all of our drivers liscences/ ID cards have our names displayed in ALL CAPITAL letters makes us thus "Dummy Corporations" certified to act in behalf of the real title holders...the department of commerce ( see Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Ed. and look up the terms "corporation( as well as Dummy Corp.)","straw man", and "creditor" and "debtor"

    as you'll notice, a straw man is also known as a dummy corporatioon, and that thus has made american citizens nothing more than assets to base the value of the federal reserve's currency value upon by registering a certificate of birth with the vital statistics dept. of the state of birth, and then once registered the dept. of the treasury will issue a $1,000,000 bond on that certificate , which is then placed on file in trust for the federal reserve at the depository trust corp and is then listed as an asset to which is now available to be traded in market as a note towards commercial activity.

    thats why we are always indentured to the federal reserve note without right to own anything, yet have the priviledges of citizenship to grant us useage of such goods as cars, boats, etc, etc. if you've done youre reserch into this, then you'll see that the reason why your names on your bank statements, liscences, id cards and bills are ALL IN CAPITALS, because you are the straw man now and the bond holder over your identity is the U.S. fed.

    that being said, without introduction of proof i have over the wtc affair, is introduction of the fact that the individuals who died were not considered as free peoples, but as expendables that can be traded for commerce.

    the fact that the Civil War was indeed a SATANICLY orchestrated theatrical specticle to "free" the black peoples when in fact what it was was a expansion of corporate venture to get rid of the limitation of enslavement by color so as to also include all colors is disgustingly evident by the immediate enactment of the 14th amendment to which the monetary system this contry was based upon was thus dissolved and replaced by the above mentioned system.this also saw the immediate creation of both the dept. of commerce and the internal revenue service ... which are constitutionally allowed however because of the enactment of the federal reserve act, are not and have not since its incorporation existed withing constitutionaol perameters, but have instead done just the opposite of what this contry was based upon, our soveriegn and free entity with a debt free monetary system that was based upon gold and silver. the fact that there was a DEMAND for all americans to immediately turn in thier gold and silver certificates ( punishible by law if refused ) for replacement of such with new fed. reserve notes is evidance of that.

    the fact of the matter is folks, is that when Kennedy came into office and infused the US banking system with $40 billion dollars in a new note called United States Notes to try to dissolve the federal reserve act ( in his attempt to get america back to its original debt-free currency system ) is what got him assasinated.
    $40 billion dollars was allot for the big bankers behind the federal reserve to lose it seems =)

    so , that being introduced,....

    lets talk about conspiracy, the world trade center, and the bushies..

    1. can anyone explain why the presidential election was decided in florida?.. the state that GW bush's brother was govenor of?

    2. can anyone really explain why president bushie traveled to the vatican twice before the WTC event happened? ( also near the noted residence of the exiled Afgan King )

    3. can anyone explain why it was again florida where several of the hijackers were still given flight training in an american flight school , even before thier visa's to be here in this contry were even approved?

    as well as why those visas only arrived to the said flight school in march of this year !?

    4. does the IMMEDIATE discovery of coincidently identifiable proof of the hijackers and who they were make anyone curious?" fuel gages, flight videos, and a copy of the koran.."

    5. can anyone explain why the state of florida, 4 days BEFORE 9/01 sent application to FEMA requesting Emergency Powers be invoked there?

    6. can anyone explain why FEMA rescue crews were deployed to NY city for the preparation of rescue operations and "arrived Monday night as one of the first crews on the scene, with thier base of operations fully operational by Tuesday morning"... as the commander had stated to the reporter covering the early morning events that occured on TUESDAY ....

    7. can anyone explain why florida immediately issued a state of Emergency and declared Execution of War Power Acts... BEFORE even NY or Washington D.C.?

    8. can anyone explain why the Anthrax attacks stated in florida?

    and if you have read the newnetizen website pertaining to all the proof...

    9. can anyone explain the massive and environmentally descructive SUPER SPAWN of green algae off the coast of florida so intense that it literally turned the majority of the eastern part of the gulf coast into a black sea... of which the loss of sealife in that massive area was completely destroyed...?

    I remember the Church Lady on SNL stating...:

    " could it beeeee.....ssssSSSSSSAATAANN!!"

    now i will admit, i have not been one to pomp around and tout off about the american government, .. as I too am a disfellowshipped individual. however, i will tell you this

    one of my biggest issues i faced as a JW was that due to my struggle to determine whether I had any love in me at all to prove my worth as a son of Jehovah due to the abuses i endured under my drunken and abusive mother as a child. I have been diagnosed as a sociopath because of that and the issue eventually drove me to my disfellowshipping.

    However, all throughout my life I have been protected, and given just what I needed to survive...even if it was to survive through some of the toughest Hell's anyone could endure from then till now. Yes, i have alot of anger inside of me from life, and the loss of my spiritual family took me to some verry deep bottoms in my life... where i was brought back twice from death even. however, i know that the dismissal from being one of JW's was actually Jehovah takeing the guilt factor out and placeing the facts before my face pertaining to me , and his interest in me. Today, i have spiritual insight, and can discern quickly the truth ( no matter how unspoken ) through things i can only attribute to Him allowing me to see them.

    It is indeed a very fearsome time to be living in right now... yet I am also both over joyed to be here to watch this not only unfold itsel;f out as planned by jehovah, but to know that the luciferians all think they have it wrapped up good...

    whats even more satisfying is to see them for the things they are and watch prophesy fullfilled... i.e.: " when you see the discusting thing standing in a holy place, run to the mountains, and dont turn back..pray that your flight wont happen both in the winter, or on the Sabbath"

    "Y2K" happened in the winter, and on the Sabbath, and i saw this implication and exccitedly jumped with joy knowing what was comming

    so I implore all to keep your faith and your love for Jehovah as strong as you can, for there's one thing i havent seen anyone here look at yet ( while being too busy to harrass the JW's )

    IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THERE TO BE ANY ONE PERFECT RELIGION ON THIS EARTH. thus, after the fasion of those whom Jehovah chose to use to preach and warn isreal of its sins, i think that being the hermit away from battle is ok too =)

    the prophets of the old testamant always have shown me that being alone with jehovah is cool too... you tend to hear Him better it seems =) I would recommend that instead of persecuting these people for things, let God take care of it and he'll take care of you even better

    and always remember this.... those of use that are disfellowshipped are still intense targets of the devil, cos we had the gift of sight to know Jehovah and his son... and he especially still hates us cos we know the truth , and it does set you free =)

    take care, and keep awake ! =)

    Xx Dark KnightxX

  • Abaddon

    Hot steel gets bendy.

    Bendy steel builds bendy buildings.

    Bendy buildings fall over.

    In the BBC documntary about why the towers fell, they did the science, and then showed footage where you can see the outside steel members buckling in exactly the same way as the science described, as the collapse started.

    The towers fell 'cause they got hit by airplanes.

    Why the planes ended up hitting the towers may well not be as simple as we are lead to believe, but the towers fell because of the planes.

    As for the stuff on this http://www.apfn.org/apfn/halluc.htm website, well look at this quote;

    "America is not in a moral crisis. America is in an Intelligence crisis. Over 50 percent of American's have an I.Q. between 90 and 110."

    Now, I can explain this, but I can't be assed. Anyone who thinks this is worrying should look into bell curves and other distribution curves. This guys is saying something along the lines of "Did you know that half the population is below average intelligence?", which can seem worrying to the hard of understanding, but is a mathematical result of an average.

    As I say, there might be stuff in the lead-up to the towers being hit that are being kept concealed, but Mr. Brainiac at the website quoted is not going to be the person to listen to, as he couldn't think his way out of a wet paper bag.

  • XxDark KnightxX
    XxDark KnightxX

    Sir Abaddon...

    what forces have possibly activated you to discredit the American Patriots Friends Network...or the fully factual and contextually correct articles written by one of thier associates, Stephen Ames?

    or was it that the websites required one to do THE RESEARCH to prove the points made on the afpn website and it was just too much for you to digest?

    basically, the website that I mentioned gives you the articles and thier titles and subdivisions which indeed does prove that the U.S. is indeed a Constitutor to CLAIM made by King George in 1606 on the property of this land amd it's VALUE, which was lawful under the Magna Carta as well as Papal Decrees still in existance today that existed before this country's inception

    Constitutor: In the civil law, one who, by simple agreement, becomes responsible for the payment of another's debt. Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed.

    Why did the United States need a Constitution if we were a Free and Levy-Free Country?

    The surrender of Cornwallis to the Americans was NOT an admittance of defeat by the Brittish Governemt, only an acknowledgement by the King of the Rights of Redemption and Inheritance We the People demanded be made in good faith by him, free from his taxation and impressionism.

    in case folks wish to do more research on these claims, heres supporting documentation that will back that organization's claims..

    U.S.C. 903, 12
    U.S.C. 95, 18
    U.S.C.A. 914, 22
    U.S.C. 263, 285, 286, 287, 288.
    Public Law 89-719,
    Public Law 94-564, Public Law 101-167,
    Public Law 91-151 Public Law 103-465,
    House Report 103-826
    T.D.O 150-10,
    T.D.O. 92, 41
    Stat. Chap 214 pg. 654,
    Emergency Banking Act 48 Stat. 1,
    Articles of Agreement 60 Stat. 1440, 20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2),
    United Nations Secretariat Revised System of National Accounting, Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al.
    CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Cromelin v. United States,
    177 F.2d 275, 277 Tomalewski v. United States,
    493 F.Supp 673, 675 Foster v. Bork,
    425 F.Supp 1318, 1319-20 FRC v. GE
    281 U.S. 464, Keller v. PE
    261 U.S. 428, United States v. LePatourel,
    571 F2d 405, 410, Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas
    43, INTERPOL
    Constitution Art. 30, Executive Order 10422,
    42 Pa.C.S.A. 502. General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
    Wynehamer v. The People. 13 N.Y. Rep.378, 481
    Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493.

    but if you dont have the resource to look these things up, read the website and they will be FACTUALLY placed into thier correct context there

    Sir Abbadon... could it be that you are perhaps one governed by one of the many Orders of FreeMasonry, with possibly a beKnighted Heraldry on record with the Colledge of Heraldry, and thus have chosen to discredit this because your Ruler ( Abaddon being the ruler over every branch of FreeMasonry ) is exposed in his enslavement of humans through Pontifical laws that have to this day bound America by it's chains?

    are you truly a free and illuminated individual?

    or one who is possibly known as Apostille (under the Hague Convention )?

    or perhaps through your personal Right of Inheritance granted you by the Queen of England are known as a creditor in posession of right to title?

    or, if you are an American... are you just a blinded individual who still has to pay taxes for his income, his social security and medicare on every paycheck he makes?one who is REGISTERED and CERTIFIED... as being the representative of an existing TITLE and thus a piece of property owned by the american "governemt" to be enslaved, suppressed, and drained of everything that makes up your existance ( time, energy, emotions, knowledge, spirit, and health )?

    True, I am new to this forum, and I dont know who you are. but dont be mistaken of one thing that seems to be something that the internet is missing quite a bit of, and that is underestimating who it is your dealing with... a part of which is that alot of the folks that post to forums anywhere are exactly that, THINKING and REASONING people with intelligence that in my opinion , if you were one of JW's, is pretty much above the median average.

    On a personal note, I would just like to say the it truly is discouraging to discover that the Religion one trusted in is not what one believed it to be, and it's doubly as discouraging to find out that the Government one was taught to believe and belive in is just the oposite of what has been taught.

    As Freethinking and Spiritual Individuals though I think that I would just like to encourage all to encourage others to stay strong individually, keep your spiritual lines of communication with God open with full spiritual vision turned on to maximum, and investigate things on a personal basis before makeing statements that , as a TRUE Son of God and Christian can tell you, will be exposed and proven for thier worth every time...whether right or wrong. if we make statements as if they were factual without first haveing ourselves looked up the facts, we might be one played by lucifer to misdirect honest folks to thier ruin.

    otherwise, we are knowing endorsers of Abaddon ( a.k.a. Satan ) and to continue to corrupt forums ( esp. ones like this that tries to honor the discovery of truth ) with lies and falsehoods would be exactly what one would expect from one who continues to spread confrontational propaganda, that in the face of a forum with the TRUE GOD's name on it .


    XxDark KnightxX

  • SYN

    XXX DarkNight: (HEHE, couldn't resist the handle change!), that site was quite interesting, but I'd have to see those documents with my own eyes before believing that stuff. If it's true, then I think some fundamental changes in my thinking are in order!

    I don't want to be a slave.

    But I don't see what other choice I have!

    Oh, and Abbadon a FreeMason? *ROFLMFAO* Whatever!!!!!

    On a personal note, I would just like to say the it truly is discouraging to discover that the Religion one trusted in is not what one believed it to be, and it's doubly as discouraging to find out that the Government one was taught to believe and belive in is just the oposite of what has been taught.
    Don't know about the Government thing yet, but I truly agree with you 100% about the religion thing.

    otherwise, we are knowing endorsers of Abaddon ( a.k.a. Satan ) and to continue to corrupt forums ( esp. ones like this that tries to honor the discovery of truth ) with lies and falsehoods would be exactly what one would expect from one who continues to spread confrontational propaganda, that in the face of a forum with the TRUE GOD's name on it .
    This coming from someone with 2 posts to their name (as of now)? Last time I checked, Abbadon wasn't called Satan. You've probably deeply offended him. There's no need for that sort of thing here, discuss stuff rationally and without name-calling, and our respect for you will be 10x greater.

    are you truly a free and illuminated individual?
    Nope, but I try!

    So, you believe that Satan exists? Well, good for you. Excellent, in fact. Point: There is more evidence for the existence of BigFoot than there is for the physical existence of Satan!!!! *LOL*

    (I'm just winding you up...I'm bored OK!)

    Seven006: "Have you tried drugs? Shooting up a little heroin might do the trick, it's hard to type when your stoned out of your mind. I don't know how TR does it!"

  • Satanus

    There is an ongoing poll @

    that shows that about the same percentage of americans think that the whitehouse was behind the 9/11 wtc, as think that al-qaida was. 44% (the largest percentage)think it was nwo operation.


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