Awesome movie: "THE GIVER". This is a MUST WATCH for witnesses and those breaking free from the WT!!!

by stuckinarut2 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinarut2

    Similar concept to "the village" in someways...

    fear of the "outside world" , control over every member etc.....

  • Blackfalcon98
    Read the book in primary school. Definitely a good story, hopefully the movie isn't a poor representation.
  • MissFit

    It was one of my favorite books.  She also wrote some sequels that i liked. 

    I havent watched the movie yet.

    Has anyone done both?  Which was better? 

  • OneEyedJoe

    Read the book in school, and watched the movie recently.  I agree that for those of us that are dealing with a spouse that's still in, this is a great moving to watch at home and make thought-provoking comments.  My strategy was to point out all the clear signs of extreme levels of control that are also present in JW world, and ridicule the characters for their failure to recognize them.  

    I thought the movie did a very good job of staying faithful to the spirit of the book.  As is typical much of the back story was left out, but for having a limited amount of time they did quite a good job.  I don't remember all the minor story lines in the book, so there might've been some deviation there, but nothing that affected the overall plot.  For someone that usually comes away with the tired cliche of "the book was so much better" I was pretty satisfied with the movie.

  • BU2B
    I watched the movie with my wife a couple weeks ago, and I read the book in school.  I could immediately pick up on the parralells.  Ironically two of my indoctrinated wifes favorite movies are "The Island" and "The Village" two movies that have strong parralells to JWism.  The similarities go right over a indoctrinated persons head.  If they compare it to anything it will likely be "False religion"
  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Haven't seen that one or read the book yet, but I did read the companion novel Gathering Blue.
    The idea being what aren't you seeing that's there.
    Highly recommend it.

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