Being Single...

by wonderwoman77 14 Replies latest social relationships

  • peaceloveharmony

    bea, thanks sweetie and i know what you mean about that feeling...i was missing having someone in my life so bad i had almost called my ex to see about getting back together!! but i woke up the next day and realized that wouldn't solve anything. i just keep telling myself, someday it will all fall into place :)

  • gilwarrior

    Well, I am a single male. Since leaving the organization about a year ago I have tried to meet woman, but damn! it is so hard! I have my ladyfriend Janie who I go out with every weekend and Gaby, this girl who I have sex with every now and then. There is no romance or anything, but it is cool to go out with a woman and not have to worry about love or anything like that. However, I am looking for more.

    While I was a Witness I never dated. No JW girl was every interested in me. Most of the Witness girls I knew had double lifes or I simply found them boring. Also, I never was baptized so I thought that I was not good enough for any Witness girl.

    Starting to date at the age of 28 is not easy. I feel like I am going through what I should have gone through at the age of 16 or 17. I am looking for a woman who is open minded (sexually), not JW, and who is willing to try new things and who will put up with me.

    I am not interested in marriage at the moment.

    "I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."

    William H. Macy - "Magnolia"

  • graceabounds

    Well, I can relate Bea and peace....
    Tomorrow I am graduating, getting my Bachelor's from Wayne State
    University here in Detroit. If it were the end of the road, I
    would be thrilled...but!!! I'm going on from there, to get my teacher's certificate. About 2 more years.(Sigh).
    I also feel lonesome...sometimes. You know, wanting the companionship, and someone to talk to. When I started studying in the JW's...I broke up with this guy. It was coming, anyway. But at that point I felt he was a "worldly" person.
    But, now that I have stopped studying, and also realize that men "in the world" are really not bad(just the last guy I was with)lol. Now
    I would like to date...but, I also question if NOW is the time.
    I mean, I am not horribly lonely, or depressed, I have more than enough to keep me busy...with being a single mom of two kids, working full time, and going to school. you said Bea...there are some days when it would be nice to
    talk to someone...just about how you feel....not class work, or cartoons, or office work.
    It's a tough call...but, I don't think that it is being money-oriented to want to finish your education. That is a JW opinion.
    I like to learn...and, I hope to never stop. I hope the same for
    my children, also. If I get a little better job after I get out of
    school(teacher's are not being interviewed on "Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous")...but, I should be able to afford a home and food when I retire(unlike the place where I work now...I would have to choose home OR food).
    I think that the answer is....go out a couple(maybe even 3 or 4)people, build friendships, realize what you do/don't want in a person(my prob is settling for what I am not happy with, thinking it will change later...HAHA). But, in the process, keep my focus on school, and if the man cares enough about me, and my children, the education will be important to him, too. Because it will make me happy to finish it. If a man doesn't seem that interested...well, then, he's probably only really interested in one thing.
    And it ain't talking.
    Good luck in your quests to find good men. I know they are out there...I've seen other women with
    So....there have to be a few left.
    The answer is patience....wait for the good one.
    Ya know???


  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    (((grace))) good luck to you too sweetie!

    the scalpel shines in god's sunshine
    street lights whisper pain
    down here near the poison stream our god has gone insane

  • graceabounds

    Thanks bitter mango....maybe someday,eh?lol
    I don't know for me.
    ((bitter mango))

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