momentofsurrender - At this point, at a little over 40 years of age, I am only in the beginning stages of my spiritual journey. I still am at times plagued with nightmares about Armageddon. My view of religion, the bible, and spirituality continues to evolve. I find this forum to be a comfort. Those who have never been inside just cannot understand. My husband views it as completely bizarre, and often asks if I am making up this stuff. The more I look from the outside in, I cannot help asking myself the same thing.
Welcome momentofsurrender, Have you read Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs")? Figuratively, you should be able to kill 3 birds with one stone by reading Steve Hassan's books, visiting his website, and/or watching videos on his website with your husband to help you to heal, help your husband to better understand that you are not telling stories, and help your JW family and friends to awaken and/or communicate with them better.
By the way has visiting JWN helped you to overcome your phobias?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,