Before I came here:
I had heard about mind controll.
I had heard about thought reform.
I had heard about suppressing the ability to utilize critical jugdgement and come to logical conclusions.
But I have never seen it in action before I came to this board.
At first I thought that it was stupidity that in the face of so much factual evidence that someone could still hold to the beliefs and thought processes that you hold to but now I think that I have a better understanding of what you are about and why you behave the way you do. I nolonger see you as stupid, not that I ever really did but I just dident understand you as a witnesses.
I wondered why you would avoid the most pertinent issues and settle to make pointless insults or only anwser the more meangingless issues presented to you and others in a post, your faith has really got to be strong and that has to be respected. But if only it werent misplaced you may actually be of great benefit to the scoiety but you seem to be doing just fing demonstrating to lurkers just how screwed up your mind can become if you expose yourself to the wrong types of indoctrination systems.
You make a good watchtower soldier fighting to the end. The Governing body probally dreams about an army of witnesses like you. You dont thik outside the paremeters set for you by your leaders you simply follow orders. It is almos as if you think with two different brains, one when dealing with Watchtower issues and one when dealing with anything else. That is truly amazing.
Keep up the good work. Fight the good fight.
The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.