Do You Love Telemarketers???

by LB 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • LB

    OK, I'm getting worn out from these guys. I always tell them to never call again and some do take me off the list. It seems they are getting more agressive. One called me and asked for me by name. I knew it was a telemarketer by the 5 second delay before answering my "hello".

    Before telling her she had ME I asked who she was and who she is representing. She asked me again if I were me. I asked her again who she was and she said "fine, good-bye" and hung up.

    I have never purchased anything on the telephone, ever. Is there a website someplace that would help to get me removed from this calling list I'm on??? Any help would be appreciated.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Celia

    They sure are a pain in the................neck !
    I have never and never will buy anything from these companies who call us at home, usually right when we sit dowm for dinner...
    They have nothing I want or need anyway. And if I want something, I go out and buy it from real people, in a real store.

  • ChuckD

    Several states, New York for example, have initiated do-not-call registries in which you can ask to be listed. Once there, telemarketers must check your number against the list before calling and face a fine if you are on it and they still call you. There are exceptions to it, for example I believe that charities and political campaigns can still call.

    I live in RI, and a bill is in the works to institute such a list here. There is considerable pressure from the telemarketing industry against it, since there are many call centers located here.


  • animal

    Just tell them to hang on a minute.... sit the phone down and leave. They will hang up eventually, but until they do, the charge is on thier line.

  • think41self

    Hi LB,

    Yes it is annoying to keep receiving those calls. There is a "Do Not Call" list that your state should have available that telemarketers are supposed to check before they call. It doesn't keep all of them from calling, but it should stop some. I'm not sure exactly who you would contact to get your name put on that list, but call your local phone company and they should be able to tell you.

    Some people even put this on their answering machines, to warn telemarketers that they are calling a do not call list. If they still call, you can report them to the agency that handles it and they can actually be fined.

    Another option, one we use, is a privacy service from our local phone company. It costs about $4.50 a month, but it routes any unknown callers (which are usually telemarketers) to a message that tells them you are not accepting unknown calls. When the phone rings, if you are home, it shows you the privacy feature is activated, and when you pick up, it gives you the option of accepting the call, after you hear the name, or rejecting it, or sending it to voice mail!
    I absolutely love it. Telemarketers take us off the list because of course they aren't going to leave their name and number, and they know they can't get through.

    It also works for blocking annoying, hell-bitch ex-wives from calling.


    She had the vocabulary of a brothel owner specializing in service to sailors with Tourette's syndrome

  • plmkrzy

    Do You Love Telemarketers???


    My youngest son like's them though.
    When he gets on the phone with one,they end up hanging up on him.
    He starts talking to them about the most off the wall stuff. Asking them crazy questions.
    "Hey have you ever been sky diving?" "I just went the other day and man It was GREAT!" "Let me tell you all about it!" "Your not gonna believe this"

    yadda yadda yadda.......Then they usually hang up.

    One guy called and yelled at him "YOUR NUTS!" before he hanged up.

    Kids never a dull moment.

  • plmkrzy


  • Fizzgig

    This is hilarious...the same junk happens to me but "aggressive"??? that isnt the WORD!!! i get at least 20 calls a day and this is NO exageration...not just dinner time..ALL DAY LONG. I called the phone company for that "call intercept" service...thinking that it is only $5 a month, but it requires that you already have Caller ID inplace (7.50 a mont) grand total 12.50 additonal to my bill...i said whay do I have to pay for something SOMBODY else is doing to ME!?!?! I have no need for caller id because aside from the telemarketers i NEVER get any calls...why do i need two services?? i have resorted to staying online 24 hours a day (unlimited access is grand :) but this solution still leaves me with out a real phone...its all about taking stinks :(


    Celia- that is so true..i have always said "i know what i want and i know where to get it" anyone calling me has NO idea what i want and i have no need for whatever it is they have :)

  • Francois

    In Georgia, we have a Do Not Call database. It costs $5.00 every other year. It works. It costs telemarketers $500.00 for each call made to someone on the list.


  • Reborn2002

    I have fun with telemarketers.

    Why not turn the tables on them???

    Ive told them such far fetched stories you wouldnt believe it.

    One time a carpet-cleaning service called. I said "OH MY GOD your timing is SOOOO PERFECT!!! Do you take blood stains out well???" he said Yes. I said "GOOD! You come over and help me get the blood stains off my carpet and couch, I walked in and caught my wife cheating and shot her and this guy in cold blood, and I wanna clean up before anyone else comes by"

    I could tell from the get-go it was a kid on the phone. He absolutely freaked. He said "Let me get my supervisor and well have a van right over sir." I said "NOOOO its got to be YOU. YOU have to come over. Its OUR little SECRET."

    Total silence for about 15 seconds.. then they hung up.

    Phone rang back in about 45 seconds. It was the Supervisor with the Chicago Police on the phone. I explained I was bullshitting, and they sent over a patrol anyway to make sure, but hot damn it was funny.

    Another time, I told them my Dad was on the Space Station Mir and wouldnt be returning.

    Another time I told them my mother forsaked all material possessions and became a nun in a convent.

    I told them recently my father joined the Taliban in Afghanistan because he was so angry at all the telemarketers who always called and believed all telemarketers should be dragged in the street and murdered.

    Needless to say those places NEVER called back.

    If they are going to harass you.. why not harass them back?

    Just like the JW shunning, TWO can play that game.


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