H2O Closing !!

by LeeHiker 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seven

    To The Residents of H2O, Thank you. What a long strange trip its been. There never was nor will be another site like yours. Best of luck in keeping your community together somewhere. The information you've provided to lurkers like myself is priceless. Farkel, Golf, Kent, Amazing, Esmerelda, JH, Focus, Unclebruce, englishman, Comf, waiting, LiberalElder and others-I SALUTE YOU!! I'd love to see you all here at Planet Simon. We'll be celebrating our first anniversary here soon so come on over. Let us know where you set up shop.

    Best wishes,

    "...your candle burned out long before your legend ever did."-Elton John

  • neyank

    H20 was certainly a learning experience for many JWs and exJWs alike.
    The term H20 is on the front lines fits it well.
    I was still an active,(well,almost active,o.k. not to active) JW when I found that board.
    I learned much from being there.
    I posted under the name yankee in case anyone is wondering.
    The info. I learned there opened my eyes to the WTS. I did think the WTS was Gods chosen Org. until I learned what I did.

    Waiting,by the way,I never told you that I enjoyed reading your posts there.


    (now remember people, I have a patent on the name yankee. So if you use it,you'll have to pay me big bucks.)

  • eyes_opened

    Unfortunately I found about H2O too late. I hope all the above mentioned people come over here so I get a chance to meet them!

    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

  • nelly136

    ok, so who gets to adopt fred :-)
    I think it'll be a shame if it disapears, having boards to suit all moods and tastes keeps everyone happy,
    I like going over there to lurk and read posts even if I dont participate, and I like the varied personalities....ok some more than others, if You Know what I mean ;-)
    what I do find disturbing is these sites being closed down or cancelled at short notice, if its because the board owner is tired of running it fair enough, but if its an attempt to censor thats something else,
    if thats the case it could be h20 one week and this board or tishies next...

  • joel

    Good question nelly..I too wonder where ol Fred will be hangin' out!

    I too started out at H2O many moons ago...I found other DB's more to my likin' on a daily basis...BUT...the info discussed n H2O was/is priceless.

    So I'm sad at the news

    Thanx for everything Rick!!

    Could get real interestin' around my familiar stompin' grounds!


  • mommy

    I am sorry!
    This world is full of all sorts of people, that's what makes it go around right? I didn't mean to make light of it. I didn't mean to group them all together. I didn't realize that db touched so many.
    Sorry if I stepped on anyones toes:) Thank you for sharing your thoughts on it closing. It really opened my eyes.

  • neyank

    Hi Wendy,
    Don't be sorry. You didn't step on anyones toes.
    H20 has a certain flavor that isn't appealing to everyone.
    I guess you can compare it to tuff love.
    It's in your face facts.
    And sometimes it's what is needed.

  • EyesonthePies

    Hey all,

    I wasn't sure if my profile worked here still. I read posts at H2O for a couple of years before I decided to join in. I have always been honest about my status as a former JW (neither DF'd or DA'd). I only occasionally post there when I think I can add something new to a discussion. Some have described it as the front line, I think it is. Very few real JW's post there (though lots read it) and the ones that do seem to be very odd characters. There is a lot of verbal abuse as a result and the worst offenders are the ones claiming to be loyal Witnesses. I guess they are as screwed up as any and a good example of what the religion does to people. I hope H2O continues somewhere. Just do an Internet search on a JW topic and see how many H2O pages show up as results.

    Regards to all here,

    Thirdson( on h2o)

    P.S. Do you recognize the name I based my screen name on?

  • somebody

    I'll miss H20 also. I've learned so much there. Does anyone know how many years it was up?

    (Chag on H20)

  • RedhorseWoman

    H2O has certainly been unique. I used to lurk there quite a bit and post occasionally, but there was just too much to keep up with on a regular basis, and the argumentative style just didn't really suit me.

    Perhaps a lot of the posters will transfer to Kent's boards. There used to be quite a few who posted on the Observer boards, but when Kent was rearranging everything on his site, everyone sort of drifted away.

    One way or another, there will be freedom of speech and in-your-face discussions resurrected somewhere....I'm sure of it.

    (oh, boy, Big Ray is in for it now....hehehehehe)

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