"I have all manner of dealing with stress and usually apply them all. lol First we begin with the realization. Ouch. Then we begin to rant. If no one is home that is best because I can whip around and do tasks with great vigor, all the while yelling all about it. Great venting--you can state your feelings, secret desires of fit punishment for the offender, etc.
Then I usually realize perhaps I am a little upset and I'll do some sort of medication thing. I often do mindless work while this sets in. Then of course.....
I wield my mighty pen.
Could be anything. A post to some asshole on ANOTHER board or just hand written blatherings never to be viewed by another human. If it is something really big the occassional feeling of defeat sets in and I will admit to often being rather without my "fight" for a day or two.
After the rants, the meds, the collapse, then all has been properly mulled over the most likely course is again the mighty pen but I will stick to words that are rational and leave no clue as to the emotional turmoil that has passed.
There are more techniques which you and I discuss but figured I would share with the public the methods of a member from the mighty Triune."