Who is the author of this quote! :)

by IslandWoman 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman

    "I have all manner of dealing with stress and usually apply them all. lol First we begin with the realization. Ouch. Then we begin to rant. If no one is home that is best because I can whip around and do tasks with great vigor, all the while yelling all about it. Great venting--you can state your feelings, secret desires of fit punishment for the offender, etc.

    Then I usually realize perhaps I am a little upset and I'll do some sort of medication thing. I often do mindless work while this sets in. Then of course.....

    I wield my mighty pen.

    Could be anything. A post to some asshole on ANOTHER board or just hand written blatherings never to be viewed by another human. If it is something really big the occassional feeling of defeat sets in and I will admit to often being rather without my "fight" for a day or two.

    After the rants, the meds, the collapse, then all has been properly mulled over the most likely course is again the mighty pen but I will stick to words that are rational and leave no clue as to the emotional turmoil that has passed.

    There are more techniques which you and I discuss but figured I would share with the public the methods of a member from the mighty Triune."

  • IslandWoman

    The answer is: Julie on Kent's board. This post explains why she attacked Larc and others here.

    Her way of dealing with stress?

  • Billygoat

    And your point is?

  • dirty larry
    dirty larry

    Did I just hear a pin drop?

  • dungbeetle

    yeah...your point is...?

    (((((((((( billy ))))))))))))

  • IslandWoman


    I made my damn point! If you don't like it that's fine!

  • Kismet

    I would like to stop this potential flame from ever growing.

    I posted this quote earlier today in response to what I saw as an attack on Simon. Based on my own experience running a board I felt I had to stand up for Simon.

    The author of the post you quoted while at H20 was known as a kind charitable good hearted person online and in real life and that was reflected in the tone and content of her posts. During that time I personally used her as an example to JW's "this Catholic demonstrates what true Christianity is all about and JW's would do well to imitate her more"

    To my knowledge she is still a charitable good hearted person in her real life that still goes out of her way to help people. Her religious belief had nothing to do with it. It is simply who she is.

    However, I would be less than truthful to say that I like her current online personna, which is why I wanted to point out her own words to her. I just find it hard to believe that the Julie I knew 4 years ago would be so jaded as to use people (albeit faceless online people) simply to cruelly vent her emotional distress as the above quote inferred. I sincerely doubt she would ever just yell at a neighbour just to make herself feel better and was thus shocked when I read her words. But far it was the only explanation for why she became so abrasive to people online.

    I know not why her posting style has changed so dramatically but I saw the same thing happen with other H20 participants. I just don't see the need for cruelty and attacks on faceless online persons even when one would never dream of doing such things in real life. I don't care who is doing it or how much they may have asked for it.

    I ask that people not feed the flames of this particular issue. I don't know why the author of this thread posted this perhaps just to help vent her feelings. {{{shrug}}} But then it would be hypocritical to condemn (as it seems was the intent) Julie for posting this at Kent's Forum

    However I really don't want to see her (Julie) trashed any further. It rarely serves any purpose to attack another person virtually or in RL.

    I think her suggestion of using "hand written blatherings never to be viewed by another human" when one is angry is far better then actually posting these same rantings.


    PS (added by edit) - Note the name of this particular sub-forum. Let's all stay that way

  • Billygoat

    IW - I might be mistaken, but you're point seemed to me that you were trying to make Julie look bad or post a negative light on her. Is that the case? If not what was it? I'm truly confused then. If that was your point, why don't we grow up and address issues instead of making personal attacks?


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire


    Island Woman.
    Its over. Let it lie.
    Posts like that will only fan the flames again,causing them to return to "defend" themselves.

  • IslandWoman


    For the last couple of days I have taken a break from the world of the xJWs. I did not see your post.

    My disgust is really with Kent's board. Kent trashed this board just as he trashed H2O, then he starts a "virgin" board where free speech means: community acceptable speech. LOL

    I thought Julie's post was revealing, it explained her inexplicable attacks on Larc.

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