Thanks!!! Hoping all is good with you!
See you around,
by IslandWoman 25 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks!!! Hoping all is good with you!
See you around,
Kent forced censorship on H20,...
Really? How does one do that?
he exploited the freedoms of this board.Same question. How does one do that?
I wanna know!
We all still have freedom on this board and Kent never FORCED any censorship on H20
Kent posted things which challenged the perimeters. Those challenges brought the anticipated responses.
Just my opinion, if you disagree that's fine, but it still is my opinion.
It seems there is a lot of deliberate confusion about my person, and why I made a “competing” board. It’s directly funny to see all the people “knowing” what I think, and knowing my motives of doing what I do. It’s even more funny to observe my own statements to that effect has no interest at all – since they obviously don’t fit their own ideas of how Kent is.
Amazing said:
I just hope that Kent, and those who were pissed off at many of us here will find peace, and continue their own growth, whatever that means for them.
First of all, Amazing, why do you keep on insinuating I’m in any need of “finding peace”? I have no problem with that at all, and I’m fine. That’s not the reason for anything. The only reasons I made a new board, are these:
1) I’m running a website called the Watchtower Observer. That fact should be well known, and the Watchtower Observer is about Watchtower related issues, Watchtower related news, and matters regarding the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I do get heaps of mails every day from visitors, asking all kinds of questions. These people are everything from Jehovah’s Witnesses, students needing material for their work, people finding family members are drifting into the Watchtower, and so on.
I just couldn’t tell these people to go to this board anymore! I just couldn’t recommend this board as a place to get accurate information about the Watchtower and the Jehovah’s Witnesses no more!
The problem wasn’t and isn’t the actual information given, since there is a lot of valuable information given here. As you (Amazing) know, I have actually used a lot of the material you have made, which actually has been quite good – as I have used other bits from other posters.
The problem was all the fighting going on, wars – people having their kicks in hurting others. I don’t give a damn about disagreements, since they are as natural as life itself. I don’t expect anyone to agree with me, and I don’t expect anyone to agree on anything. But there ought to be a slight possibility to not being downright evil against each other!
When I started my own board, it was no “competition” to this board. I didn’t “trash” Simon’s board at all, and I have nothing against Simon either. The fact I don’t understand, or might even disagree with some of his actions, lack of actions, priorities and so on, has nothing to do with anything. Simon has done a good job with this board, and that’s it.
I’m not into a competition! I don’t look upon different DBs as “competition” at all – and I honestly believe people who do are plain stupid! Anyone ever heard the word alternative? I needed an alternative board, where I could invite people to ask questions, where I could be pretty sure nobody would be attacked as persons for having an opinion.
I know there are lots of people calling me a hypocrite, and I don’t give a damn. They are entitled to their opinions, and whether I agree or not isn’t important. Whether I personally see these people as morons isn’t important either. I don’t care for making FPP’s all over the place. That’s correct. I won’t give people a whole lot of “warnings”. Correct again. It should be completely unnecessary to tell grown up people what’s common sense – and anyone knows the difference between a discussion, difference of opinion, and plain evilness against others.
So far no posts have been “moderated”, and so far I’ve kicked out 1 person to set an example of what kind of behavior I don’t accept. So what? Anyone who don’t like it can just keep on not liking it. Why should I care? I’m an hypocrite for booting a person who said all the way he enlisted just to stir up trouble? So what?
Anyone who wants to post may do so, and anyone who don’t want to, can stay away. A person must be rather self-obsessed to believe anyone would cry if he/she refuses to post anywhere.
I have “left” this board because of time. Even for me the day has only 24 hours, and anyone who believes running a site like the Observer is nothing should try. I do have a job besides that, and I do have a life to take care of as well.
So why don’t the whiners stop whining, and go on with their own lives – instead of being so damned interested in others. Maybe it’s because they don’t have a life on their own????
Yachyd Da
I need the new KM's as they come! Please send me scans!
Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:
So why don’t the whiners stop whining, and go on with their own lives – instead of being so damned interested in others. Maybe it’s because they don’t have a life on their own????
Exactly right. The whiners have no life of their own. It's important to stick their nose in everyone elses business. But you'll notice that IW stood alone, as usual, on this one.
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On
All this does is just give PR to his board. It's just too sanitary over there. It all seems so contrived.