Is the Revelation Grand Climax book in print anymore?

by wallsofjericho 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I have sent the pdf

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Yes, but I was wrong..there are two editions..the original one from 1987 or 1988 and a newer edition from 2006. I did not know about the 2006 edition.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Thank's a lot Amelia! I think it would be good if you told a bit more about the addenda to the original far as I know there were some 50-60 paragraphs that became obsolete after the year 2000

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I have scans of the Kingdom Ministry the amendments were in but I don't remember whole paragraphs being deleted

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    No no..but I think that 50 paragraphes were changed, not deleted! It was only one or two paragraphs that were deleted as far asd I can remember

    Maybe I expressed myself in a bad way, I don't have english as my maternal language. So, please exuse me if I write strage things at this forum.

  • AnnOMaly

    Always keep your old WT CD-ROMs.

    re 106 18 Earthquakes in the Lord's Day (from my 1997 CD-ROM)

    7 World War II brought another wave of upheavals. And smaller wars continue to shake the earth as we approach the end of this century. But will the present system make it that far? The fearful threat of a nuclear holocaust has many people wondering. Happily, the answer rests not with man but with his Creator.-Jeremiah 17:5.

    km 9/06 p. 4 Adjustments for the Book Revelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand! p. 106, ¶7, replace paragraph with: World War II brought another wave of upheavals. And smaller wars along with international terrorism continue to shake the earth. The fearful threat of terrorists or states using weapons of mass destruction has many people wondering.

  • leaving_quietly

    Definitely changed to "in our time". There may be other reference than below. I only searched throught a 2006 PDF version with the phrase "in our time" and compared to my wife's 1988 hard-copy.

    I was going to comment that at least they were forthright about these changes given that they had the cut and paste KM insert with all the adjustments. However, I would be wrong in stating that. I have the adjustments from the KM insert, and these are NOT listed there.

    Example. p.42 par. 5

    1988: "In this 20th century, powerful nations, notably "the king of the north" and "the king of the south," have been struggling for world domination."

    2006: "In our time powerful nations, notably "the king of the north" and "the king of the south," have been struggling for world domination."

    The wording for the question on this paragraph also changed.

    p. 209 par 12

    1988: "In our century the cry that Babylon the Great has fallen has also been heard!"

    2006: "In our time the cry that Babylon the Great has fallen has also been heard!"

    The wording for the question on this paragraph also changed.

    p. 271 par. 16

    1988: "Further, in this 20th century alone, well over a hundred million people have been killed in hundreds of wars."

    2006: "Further, in our time, well over a hundred million people have been killed in hundreds of wars."

    The wording for the question on this paragraph also changed.

  • leaving_quietly

    Does anyone know if a 1988 printing is available via PDF?

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Not that I doubted you but I just wanted to see how sneaky they have been.......again and you are absolutely correct.

    Those amendments are not included in the Kingdom Ministry!

    This could be why Dismissing Servant and I both believed there were more references from memory but could not find documented evidence so believed we were mis-remembering.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    But, Amelia....I don't think that both of us have Alzheimers...even if I have always been a bit distrait (is that the correct english word?) Anyhow, in some areas I think my memory is good enough! :-)

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