I'm an atheist and I miss the Memorial

by rebel8 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    I mean, think about it. If I had not left the Truth TM , right now I would be walking the mall, searching for a modest Memorial dress.

    Probably would get a new pair of panty hose for the occassion (suntan color, of course--those extra thick ones so they don't run after you wear them once), along with a pair of attractive shoes that could still handle a full day of field service TM .

    I'd be hoping to meet a nice brother TM who would be able to pick me out of the crowd because of my spiritual modest attire. TM

    Instead, here I am, with my worldly husband, not studying the ragazines, eating Pagan Easter candy, and watching unwholesome TV shows, in my nice house, after working hard at my job which I got because I attended evil college. Oh, what horror my life has become.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Hi Rebel! Buy yourself a new nice dress! And buy some wine and crackers!

  • LostGeneration

    You mean you aren't doing four lines of Coke and having sex with a transvestite midget like the rest of us 'apostates'?

    You're missing out

  • rebel8

    Does anyone remember those super thick panty hose, colored bronze like you put on too much Bain de Soleil bronzer?

    And those black Mary Jane sneakers everyone wore in the 1980s--canvas uppers with rubber bottoms?

    Put that with the gunne sack dress, and you will see how I actually dressed at the kh.

  • Pickler

    Those pantyhose were practical miss Rebel, you could rinse them out & hang them out to dry in the bathroom overnight.

    You can't have the brothers seeing bare legs!

    I actually remember trying to stop runs in pantyhose by applying clear nail polish.

    im proud to say as an atheist/apostate I have not worn pantyhose for years!

  • TheClarinetist

    Forget the memorial... Pagans have much better wine, and you get to drink it like 8 times a year. lol

  • FlyingHighNow

    I got married in a gunne sax, jessica mcclintock dress. Had it shortened to KH length later. Mine was sexier than yours though. It had a low neckline and showed cleavage. A sister complained to others about the neckline. Maybe someday I'll post a picture. Lol.

  • FlyingHighNow

    There are some churches that serve communion more than twice a week, with wine. Yummmy wine. Go to an Episcopal Church for holy week services and Easter Sunday and you can take communion. They welcome anyone baptized in any church and they don't stop you and ask if you were.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Rebel, see what you missed out on? You could have waited for one of these brothers and married only in the lord.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Hey, I wore leggs shear energy light support hose. Yeah, at first I did the suntan color, but later realized that nude looked better or charcoal if the shoes were black and the dress was black. One young sis at our hall wore white pumps with navy blue tights and a white, gathered, full skirt.

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