Thanks Rip Van Winkle!
Part 1 of the 2013 Conti and Simons interview now on YouTube (questions posed by JWN members)
by cedars 32 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Thanks rip van winkle, that's very kind of you to volunteer to help out.
If you send me the video transcript to my email address ([email protected]) I will then get the subtitles version up ASAP.
rip van winkle
Will do.
rip van winkle
Cedars- I sent it! (Hope I sent it!! ) Let me know by Pm or email if you rec'd it.
Got it, thanks!
Thank you.
I have much respect for all of you who are working so hard to protect children within this religion.
Thanks cedars for making and posting this! I hold the utmost respect for both Simons and Conti as the video shows they're enduring through an intense emotional experience. The Watchtower will never be able to remove the stain created by this dynamic duo.
Hearing-impaired posters on JWN will be pleased to know that this video is now available with subtitles, thanks to rip van winkle.
Juan Viejo2
Thanks for that extra effort, rip van winkle and Cedars!
Every little bit helps get the word out.
When can we expect it to be translated into Farsi? There must be thousands of deaf JWs in Iran that want to know. Is a little thing like that too much to ask?