Do not look for excuses to associate with a disfellowshipped family member, for example, through e-mail.
........................ ... OUTLAW
by OneDayillBeFree 56 Replies latest jw friends
Do not look for excuses to associate with a disfellowshipped family member, for example, through e-mail.
........................ ... OUTLAW
What is so really insidiously evil about this particular WT is that is starts out discussing the power of choice, how it gives a person a sense of control over their own life. Then it proceeds to talk about three specific areas: employment, recreation and dealings with disfellowshipped loved ones.
In regard to each of these areas they set up the discussion as if there only two choices: do what YOU want or serve Jehovah, thereby effectively removing any real choice on the part of the individual. For those that don't know this is the logical fallacy known as a False Dilemma. They present two choices as if there are no other choices and lead the reader to the conclusion they want. In reality, there are many other choices, not just two. Also, it does NOT follow that if a person takes a certain job, plays frisbee on Saturday morning or texts their disfellowshipped mother, father, brother, sister, son or daughter that they are being disloyal to Jehovah.
This is a classic example of manipulation and mind-control by the WTBTS. You may have heard this colloquially referred to as a "Mind-fuck."
If giving people choices empowers them and gives them a sense of control over their own life, then what does it do to them when a person in a position of authority removes those choices and takes away any sense of personal control?
You won't find the answer to that question in this week's Watchtower, or any other one for that matter! You'll have to reason it out for yourself. Trust your own mind, have confidence in your own ability to think.
For any lurkers here wondering about the motives or intentions of the leadership of the WTBTS I would urge you to consider this: The kind of carefully worded, highly manipulative, controlling language used in these articles does not happen by accident or mere chance. In theory, the GB reviews, proofreads, revises and approves each and every article published. This is evidence not only of the deliberateness of their intent, thereby revealing the motives of their hearts and minds, but also of the conspiratorial nature of their actions.
Jesus- 'He that is not with me is against me' Luke 11:23, in case any are wondering where the nuttiness began.
John 15:14 - Y OU are my friends if YOU do what I am commanding YOU.
In case you're not sure, it was Jesus that said the above.
So, The Watchtower tries to sugar coat its hateful message of shunning friends and family by stating that “Each year, many wrongdoers repent and come back to Jehovah’s organization. Jehovah does not begrudge their repentance. On the contrary, he is ‘ready to forgive.’ ” We all know that is a lie.
When I was disfellowshipped, my judicial committee led me to believe that reinstatement would be quick and relatively painless. It took me five years of jumping through hoops to see through their hypocrisy and do what the majority of those who are disfellowshipped do: turn my back on this cult and refuse to return at all. The magazine does not tell its readers that only one-third of those who leave the cult ever return and that most who do so eventually “fade” anyway. They come back to recover their friends and family not because they are convinced the cult is “God’s organization.”
I pointed this fact out to my judicial committee and followed it up with the question of how could this arrangement be divinely sanctioned if the attrition rate was so high and the recovery rate so low? The silence I got in reply was deafening, and if looks could kill I would have been carried out of the room in a coffin. I’ll never set foot in a kingdom hall or any gathering of Witnesses again for as long as I live.
“Each year, many wrongdoers repent and come back to Jehovah’s organization.Jehovah does not begrudge their repentance.On the contrary, he is ‘ready to forgive.’ ”We all know that is a lie.
Well maybe Jehovah is ready to forgive sinners, but where the fallacy enters is that the MEN who rule will most likely NEVER entirely forgive anyone for not knuckling under to their every whim. As one "elder" I know said, "No matter how spiritual one may be they will never be allowed to do more than scrub the KH toilets and go in FS."
You’re right to point out Jehovah’s readiness to forgive, piztjw, and that is something I meant to say in my post. It is the organization (as represented by its officers) which has no idea what the words forgiveness, love, mercy and kindness really mean. If it did, it never would have instituted the shunning practice in the first place. The elder whose words you quoted perfectly represents how twisted and perverted this organization really is. As far as I’m concerned the only word that adequately sums up its quality is one others have used: EVIL. And as OneDayillBeFree says, I hope to live to see the day of its demise.
On the other hand, if you choose the path of resentment toward Jehovah, the organisation, you will distance yourself from him it. Really, what your beloved family member needs to see is your resolute stance to put Jehovah the organisation above everything else-including the family bond. So to cope with the situation, be sure to maintain your own spirituality obey the organisation. Do not isolate yourself from your faithful Christian brothers and sisters. ( Prov. 18:1 ) Pour out your feelings to Jehovah in prayer. ( Ps. 62:7, 8 ) Do not look for excuses to associate with a disfellowshipped family member, for example, through e-mail. ( 1 Cor. 5:11 ) Stay absorbed in spiritual corporation activities. ( 1 Cor. 15:58 ) The sister quoted above says, "I know that I must stay busy in Jehovah's the organisation's service and keep myself in a spiritually strong subservient condition so that when my daughter does come back to Jehovah ,to be controlled by the organisation, I will be in a position to help her."
Probably they will treat an "apostate" in a more strict way than a person who got DF'ed for some sin, for example sexual intercourse. I have heared rumours saying that some JW's that have lost faith in the org were "f*cking themselves out" rather than DA or get DF'ed for apostasy.