With out Fear
by Brother of the Hawk 26 Replies latest jw experiences
Slidin Fast
Err Umm
What did you want to say????
Welcome Brother of the Hawk! You are Newly Enlightened's hubby (Gojira's dad)? Look forward to hearing from you. Try to post in google chrome. Hope you didn't lose a long post!
I just talked to mom and he accidently hit the wrong button and it posted.
He's still working on his post right now. It's coming...and it sounds like it's going to be a long one! And yuppers, that's my dad!
Brother of the Hawk
Sorry Hit the wrong key. New here. Little background as to the without fear. I have a small business that lends itself to outdoor living for a week at a time. On one occasion I personally chased off three bears from camp, without fear.
Brother of the hawk is a name ceremoniously given to me at one of these events, It does have meaning.
Well after 40 plus years of being in the "Truth" I have come to the conclusion, the more I study, the less I know. WOW!!!!!
I have many experiences that in time I will share, It is sufficient to say I was a Regular pioneer for a while, and served has a MS for 6 plus years. During that time, my priviledges were pulled no less that 3 times, twice I was accused of something I never did, and without hesitation they were pulled "until we {Elders} investigate." Once exonerated, never a sorry for wrongfully doing so. On the third occasion I admitted to putting a few nickles in a slot machine. Two Elders came and visited with me with WT in hand, I accepted and applied the counsel, as I had been trained to do. Approx 3 months later during a CO's visit I was informed the elders did not handle the situation properly and now I was to face a judicial commitee. I asked who brought up a "DEAD MATTER" of course "I dont know" Yeah right!!!!! sounded like a personal agenda to me. Well either way, I escaped to live another day, privileges intact.
Over the years I have been part of the conscience class without even knowing it. If you have followed NewlyEnlightened [My Wife] and gojira_101 [My daughter] threads you can catch glimpses of this.
I know some of you know about my visit with my mother. Here is the conclusion.
First some background for those just seeing this for the first time. My mom, when first introduced to the truth in 1972, was reading tarot cards and was very good at it, she even admitted to just making things up and they ALL came true. She gave up reading the cards of course. Now the weird things as expressed by her. By the way I have a Aunt who also had many problems with demons, her stories would send shivers up and down your spine. She is my mother's best friend. On one occasion my mom who didnot like playing ordinary card games said she did not like doing so because she could sometimes still see things.
On another occasion she expressed while at home she saw an image of me with a black leather jacket on, and almost started a conversation with said image, asking "When did you get home?" just then I came home from school, guess what, with a leather jacket on. There were other things I could mention, but taken as a whole I have to wonder. At one time she mentioned, " It amazes me how in Christ's day people knew how to identify a person with a demon, today people cannot." Almost in a HA HA here I am attitude.
Now I have to ask, What has really changed? When I can see for myself subliminal images in WT lit. And that this is a mind control cult. What has changed?
So now, I go to visit with her with the mind set the demon is still there. The test. Bear in mind prayer is a pet peeve of mine. I hold it absolutly sacred. I loath it when a brother rattles off a prayer like guzzling a bottle of beer. Back to the test, she asked me to say a prayer before eating, I said " I would have like to, but I have to explain something first. I have discovered that the name of Jehovah was a invention of a 13th century Catholic monk, so I will not use it, but I would be happy to use the name YAHWEH. She said no, say your own prayer. Now the scary part, [also bear in mind I am in total control of my own thoughts] as mentioned, I hold prayer very sacred. I bowed my head to say my own prayer and I could not physically say a prayer, I studdered and stammered, I could not even say YAHWEH.
That was the most eerie thing I have ever experienced.
Of course now she has enlightened all my family members that I am now an "Apostate". But remember she rejected the name YAHWEH, for the invented name Jehovah, BTW which the WT openly acknowledges.
Without fear, not only do I have to keep camp free from bears. Now I see, I have to exorcise a DEMON
Thanks to all for the encouragement and support you gave to my wife and daughter, I feel the LOVE and contrary to WT teaching Apostates are not the ones telling lies and spreading HATE!!!!!!!
Brother of the Hawk
Welcome Brother of the Hawk, your family has a really amazing story. So glad that you,your wife, daughter and SIL all have each other!
What a very interesting thing is going on in all your lives!
Have we ever had a family unit on here before .... WoW!
Lovely to have you all here .... can't wait to hear more,
congratulations for escaping a high control, dangerous CULT!
Brother of the Hawk
Thank you all for your warm welcome and support.
If this is the first time we've had a family group on here, then awesome and it does give hope! Our dear friend has also just signed up and is trying to figure out how to get a picture on his account without using the Gravatar program.
But he will be posting soon.