This is not monumental... I am sure all of you think it all the time.
But as a 3rd gen born-in ex-elder ex-pioneer ex-bethelite I spent so much time in this relion believing that for some reason that GOD, who loves all humans and created all things only wanted a few people to get knowledge of him - and this small group in America was his choice.
Now as i said I am sure 99% of you probably came to that realization before and it is common sense, but the very fact that as a grown man I never really thought about this for more than 15 seconds. The whole idea is just ridiculous and freaking stupid. I am so frakin mad right now that I just want to start punching puppies in the stomach.
However I do know that sometime between now and the next 2 hours I am going to feel bad again as if I have left Jehovah by having these thoughts. The lasting effects of these teachings hurt so freaking bad.
Not to mention that I still feel that I can't achieve anything... its as if as soon as I start being successful I feel bad and I reject it.