c. What food the person eats, drinks, adopts, and rejects
Anything with blood in it for example, black pudding.
That's the second reference to black pudding being prohibited I've seen on this site lately. What are you guys talking about?
by Julia Orwell 17 Replies latest jw friends
c. What food the person eats, drinks, adopts, and rejects
Anything with blood in it for example, black pudding.
That's the second reference to black pudding being prohibited I've seen on this site lately. What are you guys talking about?
Need to ask permission for major decisions
R&F JWs may not need to directly ask the elders or anyone else for permission to make major decisions, but consider the reality of being a JW: All your major decisions are made for you!
Both this week's and last week's WT Study articles deal with seven areas that might DISTANCE YOU FROM JEHOVAH if you make the wrong choice. The seven areas are:
(January 15th, 2013 Watchtower, pp. 12 - 21)
The first of the two study articles concludes by encouraging us to MAKE WISE CHOICES and asks us this thought provoking question:
What is your resolve when it comes to your use of free will?
While the explicit answer is NOT in the paragraphs of the article, it is implicit that the correct answer is:
I will use my free will to do whatever the WT tells me to do!
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* - No I'm not making this up!
"One young man so passionately desired a particular tablet computer that he secretly sold one of his kidneys to buy it. What a shortsighted sacrifice! " - w2013 1/15, p. 17, para. 3
Add to my previous post that JWs are given detailed rules and regulations regarding:
There are more. The list is long ....
OODAD (and not to hijack this thread)... your comment reminded me to research the whole boy sells kidney for tablet thing. Turns out it is true.
It's definitely one of those way out there remarks, though.
leaving_quietly, thanks for doing the fact-checking on the kidney for an iPad thing!
Obviously, with 8 billion-ish people on the planet someone, somewhere is going to do something stupid.
Including this extreme act of foolishness in the article just demonstrates how the GB and their team on the Writing Department view the R&F Witnesses: You are foolish, little children that will do stupid things if we don't constantly remind what to do and what not to do, how to think and how not to think, what to believe and what not to believe. You are so lucky to have us looking out for you!
I, on the other hand, have come to believe it is much healthier to expect that people will generally do the right thing most of the time. People usually (not always) adjust to the expectations set for them by those in authority.
This is true in Parent-Child relationships as well as with Teacher-Student and Employer-Employee relationships.
“If you look for the bad in people expecting to find it, you surely will.” - Abraham Lincoln
Check out Brad Zooks channel regarding how the BITE model applies to the Jws.
It is a 4 part series that I think you will find interesting.
I asked my bf if it is true the borg control how couple should behave in bed, that really got him lost it! I guess it hurt his ego big time! .