We've all heard these experiences.
In fact, Jehovah's Witnesses are obsessed with them. The pioneer who needed £80 to fix their car & somehow (without having told anyone ) the money appears in an envelope behind the door. Or a pioneer couple having no food left when their last route call of the day hands them a fish & some eggs. Generaly spouted forth from assembly platforms.
Now, if you believe that these sort of experiences are true, you are basically saying that god is actively arranging help for someone who is in need. The whole point of the experiences is to show how god directly helps those who serve him.
But what about the little child who is being abused or tortured at home. What about his prayer? What about his cries for help? Doesn't god hear these? Doesn't he feel compelled to give 'direct help' to that poor defensless child?
Or are they saying that god is only interested in helping witnesses in a direct manner? Those who spend hours in the ministry?
If this is the case, then what an asshole god is.
My point? None of it makes sense.
These are the things that used to play on my mind terribly. It just seemed so crass to make the bold claims of being 'helped by god' to pay some irrelevant, shitty, little bill while at the the same time, thousands of kids are being ignored. Left to get on with their horrible existance of abuse & emotional pain.
These days, of course, I don't have to entertain the mental gymnastics of dilemas like this.
It just seems such bullshit.