Believing that god arranges for £50 to be put through your letterbox while he ignores the cries of abused children

by jambon1 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • jambon1

    We've all heard these experiences.

    In fact, Jehovah's Witnesses are obsessed with them. The pioneer who needed £80 to fix their car & somehow (without having told anyone ) the money appears in an envelope behind the door. Or a pioneer couple having no food left when their last route call of the day hands them a fish & some eggs. Generaly spouted forth from assembly platforms.

    Now, if you believe that these sort of experiences are true, you are basically saying that god is actively arranging help for someone who is in need. The whole point of the experiences is to show how god directly helps those who serve him.

    But what about the little child who is being abused or tortured at home. What about his prayer? What about his cries for help? Doesn't god hear these? Doesn't he feel compelled to give 'direct help' to that poor defensless child?

    Or are they saying that god is only interested in helping witnesses in a direct manner? Those who spend hours in the ministry?

    If this is the case, then what an asshole god is.

    My point? None of it makes sense.

    These are the things that used to play on my mind terribly. It just seemed so crass to make the bold claims of being 'helped by god' to pay some irrelevant, shitty, little bill while at the the same time, thousands of kids are being ignored. Left to get on with their horrible existance of abuse & emotional pain.

    These days, of course, I don't have to entertain the mental gymnastics of dilemas like this.

    It just seems such bullshit.

  • punkofnice
    My point? None of it makes sense.

    You are correct. There is no scale of importance. It appears that Jehovah(TM) helps willy nilly.

    TBH. Such 'experiences(TM)' are just propaganda tricks to make the JDubs have a feelgood factor about their disgusting cult and to 'prove' it's the 'truth(R)'.

    These days, of course, I don't have to entertain the mental gymnastics of dilemas like this.
    It just seems such bullshit.

    You are correct!

  • LV101

    Makes one crazy thinking about and hangs around in my mind, too.

  • punkofnice

    At one church I attended before my rise to atheistic-angostico-don't-giveadang-ism the pastor claimed that a bloke had his leg grow back after xtians prayed for him. The audience were gasping. They actually believed this nonsense and of course all praise went to Jesus etc.

    No one had actually seen this happen or witnessed it. It was unevidenced hearsay. But it made the congregation feel good. Even a more broadminded xtian said to me: 'We didn't see it but Jesus can do wonderful things.'

    So let me get this straight. Jesus can make some random bloke's leg grow back but fails to tackle worse issues in the world. Hmmmmmmmmm!

    What I really meant to say was that we can be trapped by our own mind into believeing stuff under 'confirmation bias'. 'Experiences'(TM) at a$$emb£ies feed into this.

    For that reason, I'm sure 'Andre(TM)' is a real geezer!

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    When "brother respected" is sodomising a child, Almighty God, the all powerful, omnipotent and loving Father who has as one of his cardinal atributes justice has 2 choices. Let it continue or rescue the child.

    Nuff said!

  • Heartofaboy

    Spot on jambon.

    It used to drive me mad listening to someone claim god helped them quit smoking because they put the kingdom first , or helped them find their holiday accommdation because they didn't intend to have a 'holiday from the truth' when there are so many kids enduring horrors beyond their comprehension let alone their ability to change.

    Grrrrrrrrrrr..........I'm feeling mad again

    Thank goodness I no longer feel I have to protect or defend such a petty God.


  • krejames

    Good thread. Thanks.

    Also PUnkOfNice that's a powerful image/photo message. I'll use that.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Yep. Why would 'Jehovah' bless one brother to become a millionaire so he can regular pioneer and then my husband has to come off the list to support his family better????

    BS! I don't buy into those experiences at all. They never let us give our experiences from the platform.

    Another one: hubby had been out of work for 9 months [only had $200 a week unemployment] and I had been fighting for my disabitlity and unable to work, but no check yet and the elders knew this, but like good little JW's we went and told the elders that we couldn't make it to the DC that summer because of financial problems. Yep, those loving brothers [heavy sarcasm] pulled hubby in the back room, read him the scriptures about a man that does not provide for his family is WORSE than a man without faith, told him that we had known since January that the DC was coming up and should have been saving up for it all along then handed him $300. We paid for our hotel, scraped by on little food & gas and then when we got back, hubby took the PO in the back room and basically threw the remaining $100 in his face. We vowed that we would NEVER ask any JW's for any more help!

    Oh we felt the love and blessings

    And we whole-heartedly agree witht he child abuse being ignored!!!

  • Heartofaboy

    Some one I know was chosen to give an experience of theirs on stage at the DC.

    Back in the audience this JW was upset because the speaker had interupted, manipulated & commandeered the experience to the point that the attendees were left with an overly positive & completely inaccurate spin on what really happened.

    I do not believe any of the experiences in the WT or Awake or at conventions are a true account of events as they are spun to make the borg look good.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Major complaint from me on this. I hated it. Especially when the dub telling the stroy ends it with, "Jehovah is blessing us". Yea right buddy. Jehovah blessed you with an extra $50 for the day so u and your wife can eat, but the dub in a forign country in prison may not eat this week. Yep that is the spirit working alright

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