Crisis of Conscience ...should we sell the book or keep it?

by Latte 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ohiocowboy

    I know that they are being sold at a premium right now, but it would be great if there is any way you can keep it. The moment you get rid of it, someone will come along who really needs it, and you will be sad that you don't have it anymore.

    Take Care!!!

  • Pickler

    I've been looking for it online, it will cost me a lot more than that when I eventually buy it.

  • Xanthippe

    Donate it to your local library.

  • cyberjesus

    Think about it... And then do whatever you want to do.

  • Botzwana

    I am keeping mine. I just got it last year. This book is as valuable to me as the Bible was. I also have In Search of Christian Freedom. Love both books.

  • mouthy

    I donated two to the library.They were both kept.... I asked the names of those who kept them.
    The library said they paid for them & couldnt tell me the the JWS must get it that way..

  • nonjwspouse

    Unfortunatly for the WT, the digital copies of the book will be available for anyone who wants them. Not able to burn the book online ;)

    I have both COC and In Seach of Christain Freedom. I plan to hang on to them and lend them out. ( also hoping one say my husband will pick one up and read)

  • AnnOMaly

    Which edition is it, Latte (noticing that you've been a member here since almost this site's inception)?

  • maisha

    I would appreciate the book.. read only half of it online and cannot read more due to network

    any other links appreciated

  • vajeni82

    Depending on what format, this book is selling from $50 to $300 on Amazon at the moment. There are only 23 available. I'd hang on to it if I were you. You may not be able to find another one for a cheaper price if you should ever want to reread it or share it with anyone.

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