I agree that he wants back up, the thing is if you do not stick to your one on one only rule, and two turn up, they can together put any spin they like on what you say and how can you prove they are both lying ? IT HAS HAPPENED !
By the way, two Elders trumps you plus your wife, so no god thinking her presence will be a safeguard if two Elders are present. They will simply claim she misunderstood the import of what you were saying, wheras the superior male Elders got it straight.
I had a one on one with an Elder, told him all sorts of TATT, told him if he repeated anything I had said I would deny every word, his word against mine.
Nothing happened except he went around warning all the JW's he could that they should not talk to me or I would make them lose their faith !
Probably true, if their faith is in the WT, nothing I said would shake a true faith in God, I didn't say anything against god.
So, insist on your one to one rule, and record that if it ever happens.