I was talking to a long time JDub pioneer sister a while back, and just threw into the conversation about Dino's dying out 65 million years ago,
she laughed and said "Is that what they say?"
I replied, "That isn't just what the scientists say, that is a fact".
She looked puzzled, I should have asked what her thoughts on Dino's were, as her belief would have been current WT teaching, whatever it is, the Dino's dying out that long ago is never mentioned by the WT apparently, .... or evidently.
No surprise about that, although they have quietly dropped the 7,000 year long Creative Days beloved of Freddie Franz, they still go with "Bible chronolgy" and obviously the creative days have to be of equal length, so if Dino's were created during the 5th day as they say, and they died out that long ago, the Seventh creative, but Rest, day must have several millions of years yet to run, how many overlapping generations is that then ?