I stole this from another forum and everyone was a born in. Has anyone on here actually been converted in door to door ministry since 1995? All comments are welcome as to how you were sucked in. I was a born in and was released from hell in 1995.
Was anyone converted after 1995 in the door to door ministry?
by trujw 11 Replies latest jw experiences
I was born in, in '73 and left for good in '95-'96 somewhere around there.
Born in, left 1991. I was always mystified at new conversions, I longed to say why?????
Amelia Ashton
I had my first study in 1984 when an elder out on field ministry knocked on my door. I was a depressed and struggling single Mum who had been studying the bible alone when he called. Big coincidence!
I invited him in because he recognised me from when I lived in Norway. My dad had been his boss out there. Two huge coincidences!!!
Baptised April 1998.
It took so long because I just couldn't give up smoking for the prerequisite 6 months without relapsing to qualify.
Julia Orwell
I was converted about this time actually, but not d2d. I had a friend in school who was a JW. It's a long story I don't really want to go into in case I incriminate myself, but it had a lot to do with JWs being able to answer questions such as, "Why is there evil in the world?"
Lozza Aussie
Yes I was sucked into the cult in 2005 at a low point in my life, now I am looking for a way out. I was baptised in 2008.
Julia Orwell
Ah a recent one! I was baptised in 2000 and am at the same point you are. Glad you're getting out earlier than I did.
I saw very few new witlesses being recruited after around 1993. Very few are coming in--once some witless showed up at my workplace, all proud of having a study becoming a publisher, around 2007. Of course, the quality of those coming in these days are the bottom of the barrel, since they are the ones with severe mental and emotional disabilities and drug addictions. Prisons and mental institutions are prime recruiting grounds these days, since it is almost impossible to find anyone in good mental condition that is willing to join the cancer.
Julia and lozza did you ever look jws up on the Internet before you joined?
My observation is that most baptisms are youths pleasing their parents or partners of current JW's, and often those coming in from the field are either troubled, vulnerable or simple-minded (in the true sense).
I haven't seen a confident, educated person come in from the d2d work in decades.